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If "mac1" then "text1" type array.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 11:56 am
by p3ter
Noob question... I have a working DHCP script which sends a pushbullet notification when certain known devices join the network:
# Variables
:global Person1 "00:00:00:00:00:00";
:global Person2 "11:11:11:11:11:11";
:global apikey "s78e4thyfakekeyf89se47gh56ts87hft87"
:global leaseBound
:global leaseActMAC

# DHCP Bound
:if ($leaseBound =1) do={
 :if ([$leaseActMAC] = $Person1)  do={
  :tool fetch mode=https url="" http-method=post http-data="type=note&body=Person1 Arrived Home" user="$apikey"
 :if ([$leaseActMAC] = $Person2)  do={
  :tool fetch mode=https url="" http-method=post http-data="type=note&body=Person2 Arrived Home" user="$apikey"
I would like to optimize the above code so that instead of repeating if's/variables/static text once per device, I would like to have a single array like "mac1, name1, mac2, name2..." etc so that I can easily add a longer list of devices, and notify with a single code block, but I have struggled to find an example of how to do this. i.e. the principle
if ([$leaseActMAC] = {any mac[n] from array})
body={corresponding name[n] from array} Arrived Home"

Can anyone point at an example I can work from?


Re: If "mac1" then "text1" type array.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 12:14 pm
by pe1chl
In RouterOS you can index arrays by a text value so you can simply build an array containing names that is indexed by their MAC.
(no need to have two arrays with a common integer index n)

The only thing that is often tricky in RouterOS is to initially (from boot) define the array in such a way that it starts empty but still is "defined" the first time it is used.

Re: If "mac1" then "text1" type array.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 4:35 pm
by rextended
Instead of define array(s), make static leases on ip / dhcp-server / leases and add on the comment the name,
then search the MAC on fixed lease and read the name (the comment)...

Re: If "mac1" then "text1" type array.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 5:30 pm
by p3ter
Thanks both. @rextended I did not see a global variable for the lease comment?
I only see these:
Internal "global" variables that can be used in the script:
  • leaseBound - set to "1" if bound, otherwise set to "0"
  • leaseServerName - dhcp server name
  • leaseActMAC - active mac address
  • leaseActIP - active IP address
  • lease-hostname - client hostname
  • lease-options - array of received options

Re: If "mac1" then "text1" type array.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 5:44 pm
by p3ter
Just found this post viewtopic.php?t=183632 which demonstrates 'get value-name=comment', I will take a look.