Hex S: 600-700 Mbps via bandwidth test?
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2022 1:48 am
by oguruma
I just did a bandwidht test on a brand new Hex S. Connected via ethernet to a Windows desktop. I got 600-700Mbps. The Hex S is in the "default" configuration, and it didn't seem to matter which ethernet port I used. No other services were being used, and the Hex S had all of the default firewall rules.
When looking at the system resources while conducting the test, it appears the CPU is the bottleneck. Is the Hex S, not capable of routing or switching at 1Gbps?
Re: Hex S: 600-700 Mbps via bandwidth test?
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2022 3:37 am
by chechito
in default config you are doing NAT in fast-track mode so i think 600-700 mbps is expected if you are running the bandwidth test from Hex S you are consuming resources maybe it can reach 1gbps but running the test using other devices passing traffic across Hex S
https://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual:P ... _Generator
https://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual:T ... width_Test
notes of Bandwidth test
https://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual:T ... width_Test
Bandwidth Test uses a lot of resources. If you want to test real throughput of a router, you should run bandwidth test through the tested router not from or to it. To do this you need at least 3 routers connected in chain: the Bandwidth Server, the router being tested and the Bandwidth Client.
If you use UDP protocol then Bandwidth Test counts IP header+UDP header+UDP data. In case if you use TCP then Bandwidth Test counts only TCP data (TCP header and IP header are not included).
Re: Hex S: 600-700 Mbps via bandwidth test?
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2022 5:17 am
by anav
Nope you are getting expected results..........