Mikrotik AC2 with soft v7 have hardware acceleration with OpenVPN. It work great and it is big improvement with OpenVPN bandwidth -> about twice better.
But I have a problem when Internet connection is PPPOE (PPP over Etherent) but PPPOE require Ethernet with VLAN=35. So I have to first create interface VLAN=35 and then PPPOE over VLAN Interface. It's common way to connect to internet for main polish internet operator: Orange.
With such connection with soft 6.49 Open VPN with AES 128 encrypting provide 3,7-4,5 MB/s download and about 3Mb/s upload
after upgrading soft to 7.3.1 (the same 7.4) with NO changes in configuration
download is a bit lower about 3-3,5MB/s but upload is much worse 1-1,5 MB/s (remember it should be better because of hardware acceleration)
OpenVPN with Mikrotik AC2 with soft v7 with plain PPPOE (without VLAN) provides 6-7MB/s download and about 4-5MB/s upload.
Both connections (with VLAN and no VLAN) are optic-fiber 300/100Mbit.
Bandwidth for NATed and normal other operations are OK and there is no visible difference when internet is PPPOE with VLAN or without. The problem is only with OpenVPN.