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Simple home MESH.

Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:47 am

Hi, Im skilled to configure eoip tunnels between mikrotiks or switch network to ospf but ...
Right now Im looking for some simple solution for end users. They always need one main ap and then they wan wirelessly extend their network. Something like tplink deco or netgear orbi.
Only ready solution by mikrotik is Audience but is little bit expensive and big, you cannot easily mount it to ceiling or wall.
So requirements are not expensive devices, ONE ssid with roaming between ap and linked wirelessly, isp connectivity around 50-100Mbps.
Is there some quick setup in routeros to achieve this, or some script for master and then for slaves? (Ok Im ready to write this config commands if we found correct way of configuration).
Im also thinking, in case of dual band devices, to use 5Ghz for linking devices and 2.4Ghz for client access (or reverse).
It could be fine to have this setup described on wiki to be ready for usage for new users, because otherwise tplink deco will be their first choice.
Only what I found is mention in quickset > home mesh but there is no other documentation -
Home Mesh: Made for making bigger WiFi networks. Enables the CAPsMAN server in the router, and places the local WiFi interfaces under CAPsMAN control. Just boot other MikroTik WiFi APs with the reset button pressed, and they will join this HomeMesh network (see their Quick guide for details)
But I didnt find any quick guide for HomeMesh.
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Re: Simple home MESH.

Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:22 pm

Remember that the term MESH is being abused these days, and the fact you talk about roaming already indicates you are doing it too.
Traditionally, MESH means that there is a number of wireless stations that all interconnect and there is some software method to form a network out of them.
I.e. they determine the best links to use and the best path between two endpoints, e.g. you have AP 1, 2 and 3 and 1 can connect to 2 but not to 3 (too far away), but 2 can connect to 3, then MESH will setup a route from 1 to 2 and then from 2 to 3 to send traffic from 1 to 3.
MikroTik can do that.

However, today the name MESH is used for a completely different thing: a number of access points (even when point-to-point connected via wires) where USERS can roam transparently between access points. MikroTik does not have a solution for that! They are doing baby steps in the beta firmware, but it is far from a finished product.

So when you want to have that and want it now, you will have to shop somewhere else.
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Re: Simple home MESH.

Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:47 pm

True, true. We was considering long time ago to use (real) mesh as connection method between our ap in city (to equip them with omnidirectional antennas) but due the interference it was useless. We solve it with p2p links and best way for traffic is designated by ospf.
And yes, in this case Im talking about todays meaning of mesh, network of home access points with one ssid and handover between them.

But anyway Im interested in how Quickset > HomeMesh works.
Or how is it done in on Audience (one owner describe it like this: FIRST UNIT = wlan1 + wlan2 managed by capsman and wlan3 is in AP bridge mode. SECOND UNIT = on wlan3 is stationbridge and virtual wlan4 is again in AP bridge mode).
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Re: Simple home MESH.

Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:56 pm

It probably works but there is no handover between them. The client can choose to disconnect and scan again and connect to the other AP, but that is up to the client.
The WiFi protocols that are required for fast handover are not finished in MikroTik RouterOS. There are experiments in 7.5beta.
Also, the new WiFi driver that supports this is not supported by CAPsMAN. So you need to manually configure each of the APs. At least for now.
As I said: when you want something that works today, shop elsewhere. MikroTik is years behind on this matter, but they now have realized that and are trying to catch up.
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Re: Simple home MESH.

Tue Aug 09, 2022 2:46 pm

It seems like they have just announced on their YouTube 3 “new devices” equipped with WiFi6.
They have now also hap ax2 and new chateau in AX version.

Since they have increased CPU, RAM and few other hardware, not really sure whether it’s the same wifi6 with external package or some new solution for these new products.
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Re: Simple home MESH.

Wed Aug 10, 2022 10:45 am

Wifi 6 is related to the speed, or does it somehow solve client seamless roaming?
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Re: Simple home MESH.

Wed Aug 10, 2022 12:53 pm

These two are not really related. I do not know if 802.11ax specifies that 802.11k/r/v needs to be implemented, could not find an indication of that, but customers probably expect that an AP with 802.11ax does support that, as the competitor's APs with 802.11ac usually already did.
As I said, MikroTik is years behind. They are trying to catch up, but we do not know how fast that will go.
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Re: Simple home MESH.

Thu Aug 11, 2022 10:32 am

promising 802.11k/v/r but I have realized, client also need to support it??? Does today's phone support k/v/r?

But Im pretty sure, I know about seamless wifi roaming for long time ago, some Cisco ap was doing it and in those days was 802.11b/g highest speed.
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Re: Simple home MESH.

Thu Aug 11, 2022 11:55 am

Today's phones all support 802.11k/r/v. Old phones like low-budget models from 2016 sometimes did not initially support it but got it later as part of some update.
Problematic are ancient wireless printers. They sometimes will simply not connect when you have 802.11k. Like described in that manual.
Also, 802.11r and 802.11v really can work only in a "managed network" where the APs know of eachothers existence. So a system similar to CAPsMAN (of course named differently for each manufacturer) or some "push the button to join the MESH network" feature that does it all behind the shades.
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Re: Simple home MESH.

Thu Aug 11, 2022 12:03 pm

It doesnt look very promising:
XDAdeveloper 2020
BTW I have Xiaomi Mi Max 2
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Re: Simple home MESH.

Thu Aug 11, 2022 12:04 pm

Ok, at least, one ssid for whole house is fine...
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Re: Simple home MESH.

Fri Feb 02, 2024 1:41 am

In my case, I use wifi access list to drop weak client connections actively thus force client devices to reconnect to better signal mikrotik router.
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Re: Simple home MESH.

Tue Feb 06, 2024 2:59 pm

Thanks, thats interesting.
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Re: Simple home MESH.

Tue Feb 06, 2024 3:00 pm

In my case, I use wifi access list to drop weak client connections actively thus force client devices to reconnect to better signal mikrotik router.
Please can you share this part of config?
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Re: Simple home MESH.

Mon Feb 26, 2024 8:17 pm

In my case, I use wifi access list to drop weak client connections actively thus force client devices to reconnect to better signal mikrotik router.
Please can you share this part of config?
I don't know where to dump my access list. Only can tell you how to do it. I use 'wireless' module on my version 7.13.2 ROS router.

1) 'wireless' -> 'wireless' - > 'access list'
2) click '+' to add a new rule.
3) signal strength range = '-65..120' (means signal strength -65 and above, 120 is the max).
4) check 'authentication' and 'forwarding' boxes
5) allow signal out of range '00:00:03", this will drop out of range (signal strength weaker than -65) devices after 3 seconds.
6) apply the rule.

7) add another new rule (this rule should be place below the rule created above)
8) signal strengthrange = '-120..120' (full range)
9) uncheck 'authentication' and 'forwarding' boxes.
10) apply the rule.

for wifi-qcom-ac module, use action=accept instead of point 4, action=reject instead of point 9.
Last edited by ykleet on Mon Feb 26, 2024 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Simple home MESH.

Mon Feb 26, 2024 8:34 pm

ever took a look into mikrotik mesh functinality? (i am not talking about any of AC/AX roaming extensions)
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