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Simple Queue Bandwidth Distribution

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 8:49 am
by P00HB33R
Hi All,

I would like to get some clarity on simple queues.

So lets say I have created a Parent Simple Queue (PQ1) with 100Mbps Upload/100Mbps Download max limit allocated. Queue type is pcq-u/d/default.
Then I have 4 queues created with the parent queue set as PQ1.
Q1 = 100Mbps
Q2 = 50Mbps
Q3 = 25Mbps
Q4 = 10Mbps

If all 4 of these queues should try and max their download at the same time, how would bandwidth be distributed between these 4 queues?

What I am looking at getting answers for is, do I have to create a Parent queue for each speed tier, or would bandwidth be fairly distributed between different speed tiers done at the client queue level?

Thank you

Re: Simple Queue Bandwidth Distribution

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2022 9:18 am
by P00HB33R
Bumping this thread so someone can maybe help

Re: Simple Queue Bandwidth Distribution

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2022 11:20 am
by LdB
That one is in the manual and can't be answered ... e_Examples
It must noted that if both limits (pcq-rate and max-limit) are unspecified, queue behavior can be imprecise. So it is strongly suggested to have at least one of these options set.

l suspect you want individual PCQ trees not one parent but hard to guess what you are trying to do.