Is there any known reason why my certificate is not being renewed automatically?
WWW is enabled, and the firewall rule looks okay to me.
WWW is enabled, and the firewall rule looks okay to me.
Hi,I hate to look at screenshots, please post full text export of configuration. Only then we'll be able to comment on the "firewall rule looks okay" part of quoted post.
Here is my config, Please, be gentle.ip service print
Flags: X, I - INVALID
0 X telnet 23 main
1 X FTP 21
2 www 80 main
3 X ssh 22 main
4 www-ssl 443 letsencrypt-autogen_2022-09-14T15:11:35Z main
5 X API 8728 main
6 winbox redacted main
7 X api-ssl 8729 none main
i get the following result:/certificate enable-ssl-certificate dns-name=domain.example.com
cert is renamed but not renewed. Now it is expiring in 3 days.progress: [success] ssl certificate updated
/ip service
set telnet address="" disabled=yes port=23 vrf=main
set ftp address="" disabled=no port=21
set www address="" disabled=no port=80 vrf=main
set ssh address="" disabled=no port=22 vrf=main
set www-ssl address="" certificate=le-cert.cer disabled=yes port=443 tls-version=any vrf=main
set api address="" disabled=yes port=8728 vrf=main
set winbox address="" disabled=no port=8291 vrf=main
set api-ssl address="" certificate=none disabled=yes port=8729 tls-version=any vrf=main
/ip firewall filter
add action=accept chain=input comment=ALLOW_HTTP_FOR_LETSENCRYPT_VALIDATION disabled=no place-before=0 protocol=tcp port=80
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal"
:local ipWWW [/ip/service find name=www];
/ip/service set $ipWWW disabled=no
/ip firewall filter set disabled=no [find comment="IP Services HTTP"]
certificate remove [find common-name="CERT-CN"];
certificate enable-ssl-certificate dns="CERT-DNS-RECORD";
:delay 30s
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal | UM certificate update"
:local certCN [/certificate find common-name=CERT-CN];
:local certN [/certificate get $certCN value=name];
/user-manager set certificate=$certN
:delay 5s
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal | UM CERT- done!"
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal | WIFI EAP certificate update"
:local wifiEAP [/interface/wireless/security-profiles find name=EAP];
/interface/wireless/security-profiles/ set $wifiEAP tls-certificate=$certN
:delay 5s
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal | WIFI EAP CERT- done!"
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal | IP Services certificate update"
:local certWWW [/ip/service find name=www-ssl];
/ip/service set $certWWW certificate=$certN
:delay 5s
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal | IP Services CERT- done!"
:delay 5s
:local ipWWW [/ip/service find name=www];
/ip/service set $ipWWW disabled=yes
/ip firewall filter set disabled=yes [find comment="IP Services HTTP"]
:delay 5s
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal | www service & firewall rule are disabled."
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal start"
:local commName "CERT-CN"
:local dnsName "CERT-DNS-RECORD"
/ip service
set www disabled=no
/ip firewall filter
enable [find where comment="IP Services HTTP"]
remove [find where common-name=$commName]
enable-ssl-certificate dns=$dnsName
# better insert here a loop that check when cert is ready, or timeout after x seconds
:delay 30s
:local certName [get [find where common-name=$commName] name]
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal | UM certificate update"
set certificate=$certName
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal | UM certificate update done!"
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal | WIFI EAP certificate update"
/interface wireless security-profiles
set [find where name="EAP"] tls-certificate=$certName
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal | WIFI EAP certificate update done!"
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal | IP Services certificate update"
/ip service
set www-ssl certificate=$certName
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal | IP Services certificate update done!"
/ip service
set www disabled=yes
/ip firewall filter
disable [find where comment="IP Services HTTP"]
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal end"
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal start"
:local commName "CERT-CN"
:local dnsName "CERT-DNS-RECORD"
/ip service set www disabled=no
/ip firewall filter enable [find where comment="IP Services HTTP"]
remove [find where common-name=$commName]
enable-ssl-certificate dns=$dnsName
:delay 30s
:local certName [get [find where common-name=$commName] name]
/user-manager set certificate=$certName
/interface wireless security-profiles set [find where name="EAP"] tls-certificate=$certName
/ip service set www-ssl certificate=$certName
/ip service set www disabled=yes
/ip firewall filter disable [find where comment="IP Services HTTP"]
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal end"
log info "Script - Certificate renewal start"
:local commName "you're Domain Common Name"
:local dnsName "you're Domain Name"
/ip service
set www disabled=no
/ip firewall filter
enable [find where comment="IP Services HTTP"]
remove [find where common-name=$commName]
enable-ssl-certificate dns=$dnsName
# better insert here a loop that check when cert is ready, or timeout after x seconds
:delay 30s
:local certName [get [find where common-name=$commName] name]
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal | UM certificate update"
set certificate=$certName
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal | UM certificate update done!"
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal | WIFI EAP certificate update"
/interface wireless security-profiles
set [find where name="EAP"] tls-certificate=$certName
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal | WIFI EAP certificate update done!"
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal | IP Services certificate update"
/ip service
set www-ssl certificate=$certName
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal | IP Services certificate update done!"
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal | SSTP Server certificate update"
/interface sstp-server server
set certificate=$certName
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal | SSTP Server certificate update done!"
/ip service
set www disabled=yes
/ip firewall filter
disable [find where comment="IP Services HTTP"]
:log info "Script - Certificate renewal end"
Good afternoon Mauro!If it would be helpful to you I wrote an auto-renewal script, you can find it @ https://github.com/pincioc/LetsEncrypt_OSScript
Ratings and comments are highly appreciated.
:if ( [/certificate enable-ssl-certificate dns-name=$dnsName] = 0 ) do={ ...
} else={
:log info "[Letsencrypt_OSScript] - Nothing to do!"
[/certificate enable-ssl-certificate dns-name=$dnsName]
[/certificate enable-ssl-certificate dns-name=$dnsName]
:if ( [/certificate enable-ssl-certificate dns-name=$dnsName] = 0 ) do={ ...
} else={
:log info "[Letsencrypt_OSScript] - Nothing to do!"
#script name
:local scrname "scr-LetsEncrypt-vpn-sampledomain"
:local Daysbefore 30
:local dnsName "vpn.sampledomain.com"
#cert name
:local certName "crt-vpn-le"
:local array [ :toarray "" ]
:local newvalue ""
:if ( ([/certificate/print count-only where common-name =$dnsName] = 0 ) || ( ([/certificate/print count-only where common-name=$dnsName] > 0) && ([/certificate/get value-name=days-valid [find common-name=$dnsName]] < $Daysbefore) ) ) do={
:log info "$scrname - Try to open port in firewall and enable service"
/ip firewall/filter/add chain=input dst-port=80 protocol=tcp action=accept place-before=0 comment=$scrname
/ip service enable [find port=80]
:log info "$scrname - Start certificate update process"
:set $newvalue [/certificate enable-ssl-certificate dns-name=$dnsName as-value]
:log info "$scrname - Stop certificate update process"
:delay 20000ms
:log info "$scrname - Certificate update message: $[:tostr $newvalue]"
:if ([:typeof [:find [:tostr $newvalue] "[error]"]]="nil") do={
:log info "$scrname - Certificate Updated - Close doors"
#Optional code. Can be deleted. START
#Here I am renaming the resulting certificate, since I am using dual WANs and two different certificates for my ipsec RoadWarriors.
:set $newvalue [/certificate/get value-name=name [find name~$certName]]
/certificate remove [find name~$certName]
:log info "$scrname - Certificate $newvalue removed"
:local dttm [:tostr [/system clock get date]]
:set newvalue ( $newvalue . [:pick $dttm 0 3] . [:pick $dttm 4 6] . [:pick $dttm 7 11] . "-")
:set $dttm [:tostr [/system clock get time]]
:set newvalue ( $newvalue . [:pick $dttm 0 2] . [:pick $dttm 3 5] . [:pick $dttm 6 8])
:set newvalue ( $certName . "-" . $newvalue )
/certificate set name=$newvalue [find name~"letsencrypt-autogen"]
:log info "$scrname - Certificate renamed to $newvalue"
:set newvalue [/certificate get [/certificate find where common-name=$dnsName] name ]
:set $array ( $array, $newvalue );
# :put [:tostr $array]
#R3 - its LetsEncrypt R3 for my RoadWarriors
:set $newvalue [/certificate get [/certificate find where common-name="R3"] name ]
# :put $newvalue
:set $array ( $array, $newvalue );
# :put [:tostr $array]
/ip/ipsec/identity set [/ip/ipsec/identity find where comment="RoadWarriors"] certificate=$array
:log info "$scrname - array: $[:tostr $array]"
#Optional code. Can be deleted. END
} else={
:log error "$scrname - Unable to generate certification - Close doors"
log info "$scrname - Remove custom firewall roule and disable services"
/ip firewall/filter/remove [find comment=$scrname]
/ip service disable [find port=80]
} else={
:log info "$scrname - Nothing to do!"
Good day!Sorry, but is STILL full of errors...
I used your code on X86 platform. It works to create the certificate but fail to renew the certificate even it is < 30 days valid. I found that the code following:Good day!Sorry, but is STILL full of errors...
I am not a programmer.
This script works for me on CCR2004 ROS 7.8
If it's not difficult for you, please point out the mistakes.
Many thanks!
Using the days-valid value is not applicable, this value is static, it is the validity of the certificate, not how many days it will expire.Good day.
Line of codealways returns non-zero.Code: Select all:if ( [/certificate enable-ssl-certificate dns-name=$dnsName] = 0 ) do={ ... } else={ :log info "[Letsencrypt_OSScript] - Nothing to do!" }
I rewrote this part of the script.
Perhaps someone will find it useful.
Code: Select all#script name :local scrname "scr-LetsEncrypt-vpn-sampledomain" :local Daysbefore 30 :local dnsName "vpn.sampledomain.com" #cert name :local certName "crt-vpn-le" :local array [ :toarray "" ] :local newvalue "" :if ( ([/certificate/print count-only where common-name =$dnsName] = 0 ) || ( ([/certificate/print count-only where common-name=$dnsName] > 0) && ([/certificate/get value-name=days-valid [find common-name=$dnsName]] < $Daysbefore) ) ) do={ :log info "$scrname - Try to open port in firewall and enable service" /ip firewall/filter/add chain=input dst-port=80 protocol=tcp action=accept place-before=0 comment=$scrname /ip service enable [find port=80] :log info "$scrname - Start certificate update process" :set $newvalue [/certificate enable-ssl-certificate dns-name=$dnsName as-value] :log info "$scrname - Stop certificate update process" :delay 20000ms :log info "$scrname - Certificate update message: $[:tostr $newvalue]" :if ([:typeof [:find [:tostr $newvalue] "[error]"]]="nil") do={ :log info "$scrname - Certificate Updated - Close doors" #Optional code. Can be deleted. START #Here I am renaming the resulting certificate, since I am using dual WANs and two different certificates for my ipsec RoadWarriors. :set $newvalue [/certificate/get value-name=name [find name~$certName]] /certificate remove [find name~$certName] :log info "$scrname - Certificate $newvalue removed" :local dttm [:tostr [/system clock get date]] :set newvalue ( $newvalue . [:pick $dttm 0 3] . [:pick $dttm 4 6] . [:pick $dttm 7 11] . "-") :set $dttm [:tostr [/system clock get time]] :set newvalue ( $newvalue . [:pick $dttm 0 2] . [:pick $dttm 3 5] . [:pick $dttm 6 8]) :set newvalue ( $certName . "-" . $newvalue ) /certificate set name=$newvalue [find name~"letsencrypt-autogen"] :log info "$scrname - Certificate renamed to $newvalue" ##### :set newvalue [/certificate get [/certificate find where common-name=$dnsName] name ] :set $array ( $array, $newvalue ); # :put [:tostr $array] #R3 - its LetsEncrypt R3 for my RoadWarriors :set $newvalue [/certificate get [/certificate find where common-name="R3"] name ] # :put $newvalue :set $array ( $array, $newvalue ); # :put [:tostr $array] /ip/ipsec/identity set [/ip/ipsec/identity find where comment="RoadWarriors"] certificate=$array :log info "$scrname - array: $[:tostr $array]" ##### #Optional code. Can be deleted. END } else={ :log error "$scrname - Unable to generate certification - Close doors" } log info "$scrname - Remove custom firewall roule and disable services" /ip firewall/filter/remove [find comment=$scrname] /ip service disable [find port=80] } else={ :log info "$scrname - Nothing to do!" }
######## LETSENCRYPT AUTOUPDATE SCRIPT by L Hajek 08/2024 ###########
######## ENV VARIABLES EXPLAIN ########
# DAYS - Type out days for renewall before certificate expire
# MAILTO - Email recipient about status of renewall
# ERRSUBJECT - Renewall failure email subject
# OKSUBJECT - Renewall success email subject
# DNSNAME - Certificate DNS names
# COMMONNAME - Certificate Common Name
# NEWVALUE - Certificate name on RouterOS (required for find certificate !)
# LOGNAME - Log purposes prefix
# SVCALLOW - WWW service allowed from
# For success renewall must be port 80 open from anywhere
# internet (ex. I use rule with name LETSENCRYPT for temporary
# usage in renewall process. Also I use restricted service www
# and this will be also temporary open from anywhere when is
# renewall script running)
:local days 20d;
:local mailto "example@domain.com";
:local errsubject "LE Certificate Renewall FAILED";
:local oksubject "LE Certificate Renewall SUCCESS";
:local dnsName "router.domain.com,host.domain.com,host2.domain2.com"
:local commonName "router.domain.com"
:local newvalue "letsencrypt-cert"
:local logname "LETSENCRYPT"
:local svcallow ","
:foreach item in=[find where common-name=rtr.lha-net.cz] do={
:if (([get $item expires-after] < $days) and ![get $item expired]) do={
:log info "$logname - Opening Ports Firewall"
/ip firewall/filter/enable [find comment=LETSENCRYPT]
/ip service/set www address=""
:delay 5s
:log info "$logname - Starting Certificate Renewall"
:set $newvalue [/certificate enable-ssl-certificate dns-name=$dnsName as-value]
:delay 60s
:log info "$logname - Stop Certificate Update Process"
:log info "$logname - Certificate Update Status: $[:tostr $newvalue]"
/ip service/set www address="$svcallow"
/ip firewall/filter/disable [find comment=LETSENCRYPT]
:delay 10s
# /certificate/remove [find where name~"letsencry*"]
/certificate/remove [find where name="$newvalue"]
:delay 10s
/certificate/set [find where name~"autogen*"] name=$newvalue
:delay 10s
/interface/sstp-server/server/set certificate=letsencrypt-cert
/ip/hotspot/profile/set hsprof1 ssl-certificate=letsencrypt-cert
/ip service/set api-ssl certificate=letsencrypt-cert
/ip service/set www-ssl certificate=letsencrypt-cert
:if ([:typeof [:find [:tostr $newvalue] "[error]"]]="nil") do={
:log info "$logname - Certificate Renewall SUCCESS"
/tool e-mail send to="$mailto" subject=([/system identity get name]. ". $oksubject. ");
} else={
:log error "$logname - Certificate Renewall FAIL"
/tool e-mail send to="$mailto" subject=([/system identity get name]. ". $errsubject. ");
} else={
:log info "$logname - Certificate Valid - NOTHING TO DO"