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Script for recursive failover based on packet loss

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 4:22 am
by ashpri
Recursive failover has been working perfect for my connection with 2 ISPs. Last week my main ISP experienced intermittent issues. You could still ping but it was intermittent with latency spikes. I ended up having to disable (renumber) the route manually.

How would I apply recursive failover by checking for packet loss?

I suppose the script logic would be:
1. Check (recursive for ISP1) & (recursive for ISP2)
2. Ping or ten times
3. If packet loss >=20% then find route by comment and disable
4. If packet loss <20% then find route by comment and enable

Are there past topics that you can refer me to.

Thank you.

Re: Script for recursive failover based on packet loss

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 4:39 am
by ashpri
That logic would not work. Once you disable a route you can't check whether it is back to normal.

Updated logic:

1. Ping (recursive for ISP-1) 20 times

2. If packet loss = 0%,
do nothing

3. Else If packet loss >= 20% and route to ISP-1 (find by comment) distance = 1,
find route to ISP-1 (find by comment) and change distance to 91

4. Else if packet loss = 0% and route to ISP-1 distance != 1,
find route to ISP-1 and change distance to 1

I would then have a similar script for ISP-2 except the distances would be different.

Do you agree with the script logic?

Re: Script for recursive failover based on packet loss

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 9:33 am
by ashpri
FYI this is the relevant screen in fortigate to achieve the above.

Re: Script for recursive failover based on packet loss

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 3:57 pm
by hughrobbie
You could always do something like this:
:if ([/ping XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX count=100] = 0) do={
you can change it to greater than or less than, so if you send 100 pings and the returned packets are 95 or less you can do something.

Re: Script for recursive failover based on packet loss

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 4:01 pm
by hughrobbie
You could always do something like this:
:if ([/ping XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX count=100] = 0) do={
you can change it to greater than or less than, so if you send 100 pings and the returned packets are 95 or less you can do something.
I think i saw something about ROS v7 having a new netwatch tool that can do packet loss detection.

Re: Script for recursive failover based on packet loss

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 11:12 pm
by dfdf
:local "stat_period" (5*60);
:local "traffic";
:local "tx-packets-per-second";
:local "rx-packets-per-second";
:local "packet_tx_drops_rate";
:local "packet_rx_drops_rate";
#:local "packet_tx_errors_rate";
#:local "packet_rx_errors_rate";

:for "count" from=1 to=$"stat_period" do={
 :set $"traffic" [/interface/monitor-traffic interface=current_wan as-value once];
 :set $"packet_tx_drops_rate" ($"packet_tx_drops_rate"+($"traffic"->"tx-queue-drops-per-second"));
 :set $"packet_rx_drops_rate" ($"packet_rx_drops_rate"+($"traffic"->"rx-drops-per-second"));
# :set $"packet_tx_errors_rate" ($"packet_tx_errors_rate"+($"traffic"->"tx-errors-per-second"));
# :set $"packet_rx_errors_rate" ($"packet_rx_errors_rate"+($"traffic"->"rx-errors-per-second"));
 :set $"tx-packets-per-second" ($"tx-packets-per-second"+($"traffic"->"tx-packets-per-second"));
 :set $"rx-packets-per-second" ($"rx-packets-per-second"+($"traffic"->"rx-packets-per-second"));

 :delay 1s;

:set $"packet_tx_drops_rate" (($"packet_tx_drops"/$"stat_period")*100)/($"tx-packets-per-second");
:set $"packet_rx_drops_rate" (($"packet_rx_drops"/$"stat_period")*100)/($"rx-packets-per-second");
#:set $"packet_tx_errors_rate" ($"packet_tx_errors_rate"/$"stat_period");
#:set $"packet_rx_errors_rate" ($"packet_rx_errors_rate"/$"stat_period");

than evaluate failover criteria based on collected values and switch gateway by manipulating routing table...

Re: Script for recursive failover based on packet loss

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 11:34 pm
by chechito
i think new implementation of netwatch in Routeros 7.4 and later can help

Re: Script for recursive failover based on packet loss

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 6:45 pm
by vklpt