Hi experts,
I have a problem. I'd like to let in to the Mikrotik from public side any web requests, exactly behind the Mikrotik.
If I make a dst-nat to server (port TCP80), works fine. But I'd like to work with two different servers via DNS...
In my example (above) is an Asure VMS architect (its work fine, now is out of scope).
My problem it is not working. If i set-up into the local users to MT the firs DNS its work fine from static DNS settins (in MT).
I tried to let in the port 53 (UDP/TCP) in the firewall rules. Tried loop back src-nat.
When I enabled in the ip services the www (80), the (any) public URL request response is the MT webmin login site. Thats prove the DNS request from internet side found the MT.
Anyone has any use-case for resolve this problem?