Basic requirment is to block all internet access to the LAN while still allowing LAN devices acccess to the internet.
Could anyone suggest changes to these rules to make them even simpler, less lines, better order, and theoretically less CPU utlization while still satisifying the basic requirment?
chain=forward action=drop comment="DROP ALL INVALID FORWARD" connection-state=invalid
chain=forward action=fasttrack-connection comment="SPEED UP ESTABLISHED FORWARD" hw-offload=yes connection-state=established log=no log-prefix=""
chain=forward action=drop comment="DROP ALL NEW FORWARD FROM INTERNET" connection-state=new,related,untracked in-interface=WAN
chain=input action=drop comment="DROP ALL INVALID INPUT" connection-state=invalid
chain=input action=drop comment="DROP ALL INPUT FROM INTERNET" in-interface=WAN