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False Active Sessions!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 2:55 pm
by AAw
Hi there!
I have a problem with user manager which is in an external CHR with v6.49.6
I always find false active sessions in user manager while they are not active anymore.
I have tried some scripts but they not work.
I need a script that close (not remove if possible) these active sessions.
anyone have the right script please?

Re: False Active Sessions!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:57 pm
by rextended
since only you know what are "false" or not, use your hand.

Re: False Active Sessions!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 9:53 pm
by AAw
What the whole preceding post was quoted for? Is it a problem to just use "Post Reply" button?
I'm doing it by hand now. but the script with scheduler will do it for me with ease! :D

Re: False Active Sessions!  [SOLVED]

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 11:49 pm
by rextended
:global datetime2epoch do={
    :local dtime [:tostr $1]
    /system clock
    :local cyear [get date] ; :if ($cyear ~ "....-..-..") do={:set cyear [:pick $cyear 0 4]} else={:set cyear [:pick $cyear 7 11]}
    :if (([:len $dtime] = 10) or ([:len $dtime] = 11)) do={:set dtime "$dtime 00:00:00"}
    :if ([:len $dtime] = 15) do={:set dtime "$[:pick $dtime 0 6]/$cyear $[:pick $dtime 7 15]"}
    :if ([:len $dtime] = 14) do={:set dtime "$cyear-$[:pick $dtime 0 5] $[:pick $dtime 6 14]"}
    :if ([:len $dtime] =  8) do={:set dtime "$[get date] $dtime"}
    :if ([:tostr $1] = "") do={:set dtime ("$[get date] $[get time]")}
    :local vdate [:pick $dtime 0 [:find $dtime " " -1]]
    :local vtime [:pick $dtime ([:find $dtime " " -1] + 1) [:len $dtime]]
    :local vgmt  [get gmt-offset]; :if ($vgmt > 0x7FFFFFFF) do={:set vgmt ($vgmt - 0x100000000)}
    :if ($vgmt < 0) do={:set vgmt ($vgmt * -1)}
    :local arrm  [:toarray "0,0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334"]
    :local vdoff [:toarray "0,4,5,7,8,10"]
    :local MM    [:pick $vdate ($vdoff->2) ($vdoff->3)]
    :local M     [:tonum $MM]
    :if ($vdate ~ ".../../....") do={
        :set vdoff [:toarray "7,11,1,3,4,6"]
        :set M     ([:find "xxanebarprayunulugepctovecANEBARPRAYUNULUGEPCTOVEC" [:pick $vdate ($vdoff->2) ($vdoff->3)] -1] / 2)
        :if ($M>12) do={:set M ($M - 12)}
    :local yyyy  [:pick $vdate ($vdoff->0) ($vdoff->1)] ; :if ((($yyyy - 1968) % 4) = 0) do={:set ($arrm->1) -1; :set ($arrm->2) 30}
    :local totd  ((($yyyy - 1970) * 365) + (($yyyy - 1968) / 4) + ($arrm->$M) + ([:pick $vdate ($vdoff->4) ($vdoff->5)] - 1))
    :return      (((((($totd * 24) + [:pick $vtime 0 2]) * 60) + [:pick $vtime 3 5]) * 60) + [:pick $vtime 6 8] - $vgmt)

    :local NOW [$datetime2epoch]
    /tool user-manager session
    :foreach sessioneTest in=[find where active=yes] do={
        :local tilltime  [$datetime2epoch [get $sessioneTest till-time]]
        :local diff      ($NOW - $tilltime)
        :local threshold 120
        :if ($diff > $threshold) do={
            :log warning "Session closed: $[get $sessioneTest user] has been stalled for $diff seconds"
            close-session $sessioneTest

Re: False Active Sessions!

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 12:16 am
by AAw
What the whole preceding post was quoted for? Is it a problem to just use "Post Reply" button?
Thank you very much, it worked very well.
I really appreciate your help.

Re: False Active Sessions!

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 12:04 pm
by rextended
Thanks also to you, for the reply!

Re: False Active Sessions!

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2023 11:36 am
by kosarkarami726
I have the problem too.
But my server and user manager are on two separate routers. What changes should I make in this scrpit and how should I run it?

Re: False Active Sessions!

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2023 3:04 pm
by rextended
I have the problem too.
But my server and user manager are on two separate routers. What changes should I make in this scrpit and how should I run it?
The script work only where the user-manager is.

For run automatically the script, must be used the scheduler.
For be used manually, just paste it on terminal.

Is for RouterOS v6, not for RouterOS v7. On v7 user-manager not exist anymore, is just another shitty program called again user-manager.

Re: False Active Sessions!

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 11:08 pm
by kosarkarami726
I have the problem too.
But my server and user manager are on two separate routers. What changes should I make in this scrpit and how should I run it?
The script work only where the user-manager is.

For run automatically the script, must be used the scheduler.
For be used manually, just paste it on terminal.

Is for RouterOS v6, not for RouterOS v7. On v7 user-manager not exist anymore, is just another shitty program called again user-manager.
thanks a lot.
yes you are right. shifty program!
we ran in to lots of problems with it.
I will run the script in a while and inform here.

Re: False Active Sessions!

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2024 12:49 am
by bpwl
With the V5 User Manager (ROS 7) and ROS6 routers there is a similar problem, with EAP wifi authentication
User Manager closes the session, as it detects the router (NAS) is not responding at a certain point in time.
User manager closes the session, but the NAS (AP) does not.
Then accounting packets are sent at the set interval but ignored as the session does not exist in User Manager.

User Manager sends a request (port 3799) to close that session on the NAS (AP)
But gets back a NAK for this closure request. ("empty SSID" as potential reason?)
And then User Manager keeps repeating this all the time.
Ending with many many sessions with accounting failure in the router profile incrmenting, and closure reason "NAS rebooted"

Workaround so far, is disable EAP accounting in the security profile in the AP, what will close all the sessions in the NAS (AP), and tell User Manager.
Security profile in the wireless setup, it's not in the RADIUS setting.

Re: False Active Sessions!

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2024 12:59 am
by bpwl
Accounting packets keep coming
As User Manager claims the NAS (router/AP) rebooted, but the NAS did not reboot. The wifi sessions are still active.



Re: False Active Sessions!

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2024 2:43 pm
by bpwl
Another problem with counting active sessions. The User Manager software for extracting the active user sessions finds and counts all users that contains the checked user name.
If you check lets say "Guest1" , then sessions of "Guest1xxxx" , with xxxx any string, are counted and combined.
Clearly seen when Guest10,Guest11,Guest12 .... active , not Guest1

With User Manager limiting the allowed active sessions that might be a problem for Guest1.

Database search string might be something like "Guest1*" , not "Guest1" or the "is operator" is replaced with "contains".

but 5 and not 6 , so might be something else

Re: False Active Sessions!

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 10:40 am
by bpwl
Undeletable Phantom sessions seem to be there when the "Active Sub Session" counter is lower than the "Active Session" counter.
Is "Active Sub Session" counter the real active session counter?

Re: False Active Sessions!

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2024 5:05 pm
by BrianSAYI
What is the idle time for this script ?
I mean what is the user inactivity time before this script close the session?
Is it still work for User in v6.49.17 ?

:global datetime2epoch do={
    :local dtime [:tostr ]
    /system clock
    :local cyear [get date] ; :if ($cyear ~ "....-..-..") do={:set cyear [:pick $cyear 0 4]} else={:set cyear [:pick $cyear 7 11]}
    :if (([:len $dtime] = 10) or ([:len $dtime] = 11)) do={:set dtime "$dtime 00:00:00"}
    :if ([:len $dtime] = 15) do={:set dtime "$[:pick $dtime 0 6]/$cyear $[:pick $dtime 7 15]"}
    :if ([:len $dtime] = 14) do={:set dtime "$cyear-$[:pick $dtime 0 5] $[:pick $dtime 6 14]"}
    :if ([:len $dtime] =  8) do={:set dtime "$[get date] $dtime"}
    :if ([:tostr ] = "") do={:set dtime ("$[get date] $[get time]")}
    :local vdate [:pick $dtime 0 [:find $dtime " " -1]]
    :local vtime [:pick $dtime ([:find $dtime " " -1] + 1) [:len $dtime]]
    :local vgmt  [get gmt-offset]; :if ($vgmt > 0x7FFFFFFF) do={:set vgmt ($vgmt - 0x100000000)}
    :if ($vgmt < 0) do={:set vgmt ($vgmt * -1)}
    :local arrm  [:toarray "0,0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334"]
    :local vdoff [:toarray "0,4,5,7,8,10"]
    :local MM    [:pick $vdate ($vdoff->2) ($vdoff->3)]
    :local M     [:tonum $MM]
    :if ($vdate ~ ".../../....") do={
        :set vdoff [:toarray "7,11,1,3,4,6"]
        :set M     ([:find "xxanebarprayunulugepctovecANEBARPRAYUNULUGEPCTOVEC" [:pick $vdate ($vdoff->2) ($vdoff->3)] -1] / 2)
        :if ($M>12) do={:set M ($M - 12)}
    :local yyyy  [:pick $vdate ($vdoff->0) ($vdoff->1)] ; :if ((($yyyy - 1968) % 4) = 0) do={:set ($arrm->1) -1; :set ($arrm->2) 30}
    :local totd  ((($yyyy - 1970) * 365) + (($yyyy - 1968) / 4) + ($arrm->$M) + ([:pick $vdate ($vdoff->4) ($vdoff->5)] - 1))
    :return      (((((($totd * 24) + [:pick $vtime 0 2]) * 60) + [:pick $vtime 3 5]) * 60) + [:pick $vtime 6 8] - $vgmt)

    :local NOW [$datetime2epoch]
    /tool user-manager session
    :foreach sessioneTest in=[find where active=yes] do={
        :local tilltime  [$datetime2epoch [get $sessioneTest till-time]]
        :local diff      ($NOW - $tilltime)
        :local threshold 120
        :if ($diff > $threshold) do={
            :log warning "Session closed: $[get $sessioneTest user] has been stalled for $diff seconds"
            close-session $sessioneTest