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speed values are not showing decimal places

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2023 8:48 am
by LansoirThemtq
Using the RouterOS API, I was able to retrieve the download and upload speed of a server. However, the speed values are not showing decimal places; for instance, 92.248428 is being saved as 92248428.000. Does anyone know how to resolve this issue? The code I have used is provided below:


$read = $API->read();
$rxAverage = $read[9]["rx-total-average"];
echo ("-------------------");
echo $rxAverage;
echo ("-------------------");
$result = print_r($read,true);


$read1 = $API->read();
$txAverage1 = $read1[9]["tx-total-average"];

Re: speed values are not showing decimal places

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2023 3:10 pm
by rextended
RouterOS do not support at all decimal values, only signed 64 bit integer only.