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hAP ax2 CapsMode/WiFi issue

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 3:28 am
by uts
1. Trying to put hAP ax2 into caps mode but it would not go in.
2. Upgraded to stable 7.8 and it lost Wireless interfaces with Critical Error script interupped
3. Installed other packages but wireless interfaces not coming back.
4. Not to mension default passwords that were put in caused some back and forth.
If someone can help with caps mode. Capsman is older version running 7.7.

Thank you

Re: hAP ax2 CapsMode/WiFi issue

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 8:34 am
by erlinden
If you install the wifiwav2 package, wireless interfaces should be available again. Think that would be the first step.
If that is not working (and you have more goovy stuff), you might want to consider performing a netinstall.

Why did you upgrade?

Re: hAP ax2 CapsMode/WiFi issue

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 12:05 pm
by Guntis
You have to configure CAP manually, currently, there is no CAPs mode available by reset button.
Keep in mind that WifiWave2 CAPsMAN and its CAPs are not interoperable with legacy CAPsMAN and its CAPs.
WifiWave2 CAPsMAN uses the same menu as WifiWave2 interfaces, GUI support for it is available since 7.8. ... ve2CAPsMAN

Re: hAP ax2 CapsMode/WiFi issue

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 4:59 pm
by uts
Thanks for the replies. Going throug the docs, testing is pending.

Since WiFiWave2 and CapsMan CAPS can be managed seperately by the same device, will WiFi clients have roaming? (auto channels)

Re: hAP ax2 CapsMode/WiFi issue

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 6:41 pm
by massinia
You will see all your cAPs Wave2 in the wireless menu of the hAP ax2 with CAPsMAN active.

And also you can see in which cAP Wave2 the clients are connected

Fast roaming also works very well with CAPsMAN Wave2
Obviously ssid and security must be the same for all cAPs

Re: hAP ax2 CapsMode/WiFi issue

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 11:34 pm
by uts

Thanks Massinia for releaving the stress.

I will leave this open till the testing is completed

Re: hAP ax2 CapsMode/WiFi issue

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 5:05 pm
by alibloke
I'm not sure this is correct. My understanding is that wifiwave2 capsman cannot control local devices ( and you simply have an AP and one single capsman controlled device. During my testing this made transitions far from seamless compared to a separate capsman controller and caps: