Regardless the limit of 0xFFFFFFFF (4294967295 (~4GiB), simply G is not a supported letter. Just M and k.
(yes, I know, must be writed)
RouterOS have everywhere 32 bit counters because the CPU used at the start are 32 bit.
Now are present arm64 and other 64 bit cpu, but is still present limits till 9223372036854775807 (~8
So 10GiB is > of the max ~4GiB (for write that on queue, write 4294967295 without M or k).
Use ARM64 device, and you solve the 4GiB limit problem....
If you use terminal is explained
example on v6 code
[] /queue simple> set 1 max-limit=4294967295/4294967296
value of download-max-limit out of range (0..4294967295)
[] /queue simple> set 1 max-limit=?
MaxLimit ::= UploadMaxLimit/DownloadMaxLimit
UploadMaxLimit,DownloadMaxLimit ::= 0..4294967295 (integer number)
On RouterOS the documentation and the software is wrong because must not accept numbers > 9223372036854775807 (0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
(Because after 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF there are negative numbers from -1 to -9223372036854775808)
example on v7 with ARM64 CPU code
[] /queue simple> set 1 max-limit=<F1>
MaxLimit ::= UploadMaxLimit/DownloadMaxLimit
UploadMaxLimit,DownloadMaxLimit ::= 0..18446744073709551615 (integer number)
#### REX note:
#### WRONG !!!! is 0..9223372036854775807 ####
Is a bug on RouterOS that do not check that, but also 8
EiB can be sufficent.
Some prediction on 2022 suppose that all the world use 273EiB fixed and 77EiB mobile traffic...