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PPPoE upload limt
Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:34 pm
by cpresto
Hi all,
I'm using MT as Access Concentrator to limit Customers' traffic, with PPPoE profiles and defined upload/download limits.
Since now this has worked pretty good but suddenly, only on some Customers, upload limit doesn't work any more: Customers that have 128Kbps limit do >256Kbps upload traffic (P2P)....
Is there a P2P type that PPPoE server profiles is not able to catch ?
Re: PPPoE upload limt
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:32 am
by BrianHiggins
do you have another simple queue that catches p2p traffic that limits it to 256, that is higher on the list?
Re: PPPoE upload limt
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:52 am
by cpresto
I have a simple queue that catches all uknown traffic (p2p) and limit it to download/upload 1Mbps/256Kbps...
In my understanding p2p queue is something that should limit (p2p) the total amount of traffic, while PPPoE profile should limit each single connection, that cannot go over these threshold limits.
Re: PPPoE upload limt
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:04 pm
by BrianHiggins
if the traffic gets caught as part of the p2p queue, it will not get counted in the pppoe queue. i think you can play around with priorities and tieing it to different interfaces to get around that.
Re: PPPoE upload limt
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:26 pm
by cpresto
mmmm....the whole p2p upload queue is 256Kbps, and I have single customers that are able to do 300Kbps upload
The only way I've been able to limit such customers was limiting their upload directly on the CPE, but I'm not very happy with this "distributed" policy, because if I'll change connections profile this have to be changed on every single CPE
Re: PPPoE upload limt
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:45 pm
by BrianHiggins
sounds like they had ~200k of p2p traffic in the p2p queue, and ~100k of traffic in the pppoe queue.
try turning off the p2p queue on that router, and apply the same rule on a upstream router, it should prevent any problems like this.
Re: PPPoE upload limt
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:04 pm
by cpresto
I have to different Internet connection, one for p2p (unknown traffcic with port >1024) and onother one for known traffic (http, ftp, smtp, etc...). The known connection upload was almost full and once I limited customer's upload on its CPE, it immediatly decreased so all this traffic where not mangled as "unknown". Before doing this type of limiting I've sniffed Customer's traffic and it was all unknown (port > 1024), so I think that there should be some type of traffic (p2p) that is not correctly mangled