I'm setting up a lan with vlans.
Now I'm wondering a couple of things that I have not found any answer to.
I know that I untag access ports and tag trunk ports but when
do I tag vs untag a bridge?
I would like to know the general rule of the above but can also supply my setup:
isp---rb3011---cap ac
rb3011 with bridged ethernet ports 2-10 and slave vlan20
cap ac with bridge eth1,wlan1,wlan2,wlan3,wlan4
wlan1-4 are untagged and tagged=ehter1,bridge
should I tag the bridges?
Also on the rb3011 should ether1 which is connected to isp be untagged?
If you have the time, are there something more I need to change to make the lans work?
I supply the config files as attachments.
When I use vlan1 do I have to tag it e.g. in the trunk?
I think I remember that the normal lan is vlan 1 and that Native vlan is without tag in the trunk and is vlan 1.
What is the difference between
normal lan (vlan 1 to my knowledge),
default vlan (vlan 1 to my knowledge),
native vlan (vlan 1 to my knowledge),
management vlan.
If you know resources on where I can read about the topics feel fre to just post the link.
Thanks for the help.