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SXTR: Default user/password incorrect

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 10:22 am
by oguruma
I have a brand new SXTR&EP06-A. I've never been able to connect to the web UI or Winbox (tried with MAC and with IP). I always get username/password incorrect when using the username "admin" with no password.

I tried re-setting it, and I still can't connect. Does the SXTR have a different default username/password?

Re: SXTR: Default user/password incorrect

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 10:37 am
by rextended
1) Read the forum
2) Read the label on the devce with the password over it.

Re: SXTR: Default user/password incorrect

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 5:54 pm
by anav
You are not alone, MT has come up with a pull out tab on the device with the username and password on it.
Finding it is the fun part of opening the package :-)

@rextended --> Would it be so hard to state the above............... dont get mad at returning or new customers who are not aware of the change.
Grumpy kitty, didnt someone change your litter box this week ;-)