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ROS v7.10.1 - OSPF default route missing on routing table

Fri Jul 14, 2023 4:41 pm

Hi Gents,
I've got an OSPF situation with a live environment where I replaced and old hex for a RB5009UPr+S+ with v7.10.1. The new router is the only one running this new ros version and all others running the long term 6.48.6 version. OSPF, I believe properly configured and with neighbors established. Upstream and downstream routers with redistributed default route added to routing table, apart from the v7 one. The former router (v6) was able to redistribute traffic normally through ospf (with default route added), but the latest forced me to set static routes to sort out the routing problem, as per no ospf default route was present and no traffic would be forwarded from that point. Does anyone came into this issue? Any help would be very appreciated, I'm surely out of ideas with the amount of things I've tried already...

I'm able to provide more details if someone encountered similar problem.

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Re: ROS v7.10.1 - OSPF default route missing on routing table

Tue Jul 18, 2023 11:45 am


can you give us some examples config between 2 neighboring v6.48 (which got that default route) and v7 (which not having the default advertisement) - and their ip route output between those 2.

just ospf related part config will suffice.

also, do you have any route filters on incoming route to that v7?
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Re: ROS v7.10.1 - OSPF default route missing on routing table

Tue Jul 18, 2023 2:35 pm

Thank you for replying and the time to take a look at this.

- First the 2 routers with v6 with neighbors adjacencies / default route (ether1 connecting both):
### R1-v6.48.6 ###
/routing ospf interface
add interface=Loopback network-type=point-to-point
add authentication=md5 authentication-key=***** interface=ether5 network-type=point-to-point
add authentication=md5 authentication-key=***** interface=ether1 network-type=point-to-point
/routing ospf network
add area=10 network=
add area=10 network=
add area=10 network= (ether1)
add area=10 network=

1 instance=default router-id= address= interface=ether1 priority=1 dr-address= backup-dr-address= state="Full"

 #      DST-ADDRESS        PREF-SRC        GATEWAY            DISTANCE
 0 ADo                               110
 1 ADo                            110
 2 ADo                             110
 3 ADo                             110
 4 ADo                             110
 5 ADo                            110

### R2-v6.48.6 ###
/routing ospf interface
add interface=Loopback network-type=point-to-point
add authentication=md5 authentication-key=***** interface=ether1 network-type=point-to-point
add interface=BRIDGE network-type=point-to-point passive=yes
add authentication=md5 authentication-key=***** cost=20 interface=ether5 network-type=point-to-point (to v7 router)
/routing ospf network
add area=10 network= (ether1)
add area=10 network= (to v7 router)
add area=10 network=
add area=10 network=
add area=10 network=
add area=10 network=
add area=10 network=

1 instance=default router-id= address= interface=ether1 priority=1 dr-address= backup-dr-address= state="Full"

 #      DST-ADDRESS        PREF-SRC        GATEWAY            DISTANCE
 0 ADo                             110
 1 ADo                       110
 2 ADo                         110
 3 ADo                          110

- and the v7 router:

### R3-v7.10.1 ###
/routing ospf interface-template
add area=10 cost=10 disabled=no interfaces=Loopback networks= priority=1 type=ptp
add area=10 auth=md5 auth-id=1 auth-key=**** cost=10 disabled=no interfaces=ether1 networks= priority=1 type=ptp
add area=10 cost=10 disabled=no interfaces=ether2 networks= priority=1 type=ptp
add area=10 cost=10 disabled=no interfaces=ether2 networks= priority=1 type=ptp
add area=10 cost=10 disabled=no interfaces=ether3 networks= passive priority=1 type=ptp
add area=10 auth=md5 auth-id=1 auth-key=**** cost=20 disabled=no interfaces=ether4 networks= priority=1 type=ptp (to v6 router, redundant route)
add area=10 auth=md5 auth-id=1 auth-key=**** cost=10 disabled=no interfaces=ether4 networks= priority=1 type=ptp
add area=10 auth=md5 auth-id=1 auth-key=**** cost=10 disabled=no interfaces=ether5 networks= priority=1 type=ptp
add area=10 cost=10 disabled=no interfaces=ether5 networks= priority=1 type=ptp
add area=10 auth=md5 auth-id=1 auth-key=**** cost=10 disabled=no interfaces=ether6 networks= priority=1 type=ptp (main gateway, also to a v6 router)
add area=10 cost=10 disabled=no interfaces=ether6 networks= priority=1 type=ptp

0  D instance=default area=10 address= router-id= state="Full" state-changes=5 ls-retransmits=1 adjacency=5d17h24m24s timeout=40s 

 1  D instance=default area=10 address= router-id= state="Full" state-changes=4 ls-retransmits=1 adjacency=5d17h24m29s timeout=34s 

 2  D instance=default area=10 address= router-id= state="Full" state-changes=9 ls-retransmits=1 adjacency=3d23h49m56s timeout=37s 

 3  D instance=default area=10 address= router-id= state="Full" state-changes=4 adjacency=1d5h51m13s timeout=37s 

#      DST-ADDRESS         GATEWAY            DISTANCE
0   s                10
1  As                 1
  DAo       110
  DAo       110
also, do you have any route filters on incoming route to that v7?

On the v7 itself, no. Bellow a standard config for a v6 instance, hope that answers your question:

/routing ospf instance
set [ find default=yes ] disabled=no distribute-default=never !domain-id !domain-tag in-filter=ospf-in metric-bgp=auto metric-connected=20 metric-default=1 metric-other-ospf=auto metric-rip=20 metric-static=20 !mpls-te-area !mpls-te-router-id name=\
    default out-filter=ospf-out redistribute-bgp=no redistribute-connected=no redistribute-other-ospf=no redistribute-rip=no redistribute-static=no router-id= !routing-table !use-dn
Last edited by tangent on Tue Jul 18, 2023 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: added a bunch of [code] and [quote] tags to break up the wall-of-text
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Re: ROS v7.10.1 - OSPF default route missing on routing table

Tue Jul 18, 2023 5:23 pm

hello pmstm,

aaa... ok, you have intra area there 10.

which router advertise the default route
- and in which area? backbone or 10 ? i don't see it in your outputs.

instance=default router-id= address= interface=ether1 priority=1 dr-address= backup-dr-address= state="Full"
p2p interface.

you should manually elect which router will be the dr and bdr since it will dictate which router will carry the intra area routing information.

the highest loopback ip should be the area border router - otherwise you will not see advertised default route. yes - this dr/bdr and ip structure is the difficult part of ospf Routing.

give us some other input - what filters did you have for outgoing from v6 to v7 router.
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Re: ROS v7.10.1 - OSPF default route missing on routing table

Tue Jul 18, 2023 6:07 pm

@ tangent

I'm sorry, are those @op outputs not being altered by your edits? it is a bit difficult to read the outputs.

@ pmsfm

which router is this on? v6 or that v7?

routing ospf instance
set [ find default=yes ] disabled=no distribute-default=never
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Re: ROS v7.10.1 - OSPF default route missing on routing table

Tue Jul 18, 2023 8:23 pm

I'm sorry, are those @op outputs not being altered by your edits?

I attempted merely to make it easier to read, but there were judgement calls involved in where to insert the tags. I've attempted to reconstruct the raw post as it was before I edited it, then approved the edited version. Personally, I think the raw version is harder to read, which I count as "mission accomplished" when it comes to the edit, but you tell me; should I have left it as-is or put the breaks in somewhere else, or rewritten it for formatting, or…

(This is why I prefer Fossil forums such as the SQLite one, where I am also a moderator: it doesn't lose original postings in edits, so this type of second-guessing cannot go as far.)
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Re: ROS v7.10.1 - OSPF default route missing on routing table

Tue Jul 18, 2023 8:41 pm

@ tangent

which I count as "mission accomplished" when it comes to the edit, but you tell me; should I have left it as-is or put the breaks in somewhere else, or rewritten it for formatting, or…
nahh.. nevermind, mission accomplished.

let us get some coffee ☕

it is late already 😉