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Capsman wave2

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 6:53 pm
by DJGlooM
Can somebody please explain why this thing isnt working? Doing by manual, of course customizing for myself. Two APs: hap ax2 and Audience. Same AP config - different results. Am I insane?
Capsman 5009:
/interface wifiwave2 channel
add band=2ghz-ax disabled=no frequency=2412,2437,2462 name=2ghz-ax secondary-frequency=disabled width=20mhz
add band=2ghz-n disabled=yes frequency=2412,2437,2462 name=2ghz-n secondary-frequency=disabled width=20mhz
add band=5ghz-ac disabled=yes name=5ghz-ac skip-dfs-channels=all width=20/40mhz
add band=5ghz-ax disabled=no name=5ghz-ax skip-dfs-channels=all width=20/40mhz
/interface wifiwave2 datapath
add bridge=bridge1 disabled=no name=vlan240 vlan-id=240
add bridge=bridge1 disabled=no name=vlan247 vlan-id=247
/interface wifiwave2 security
add authentication-types=wpa2-psk,wpa3-psk disable-pmkid=yes disabled=no group-encryption=ccmp group-key-update=1h \
    management-protection=allowed name=UTMT wps=disable
/interface wifiwave2 configuration
add chains=0,1,2,3 channel=5ghz-ax country=Russia datapath=vlan240 disabled=no manager=capsman mode=ap name=UTMT-5 rrm=yes \
    security=UTMT ssid=UTMT tx-chains=0,1,2,3 tx-power=12
add chains=0,1,2,3 channel=2ghz-n country=Russia datapath=vlan240 disabled=no manager=capsman mode=ap name=UTMT-2 rrm=yes \
    security=UTMT ssid=UTMT tx-chains=0,1,2,3 tx-power=12
/interface wifiwave2 capsman
set ca-certificate=none enabled=yes interfaces=all package-path="" require-peer-certificate=no upgrade-policy=none
/interface wifiwave2 provisioning
add action=create-dynamic-enabled disabled=no master-configuration=UTMT-2 name-format=2G-%I supported-bands=2ghz-ax
add action=create-dynamic-enabled disabled=no master-configuration=UTMT-5 name-format=5G-%I supported-bands=5ghz-ax,5ghz-ac
hap ax2:
/interface wifiwave2
# managed by CAPsMAN
set [ find default-name=wifi1 ] configuration.manager=capsman .mode=ap datapath=cap disabled=no
# managed by CAPsMAN
set [ find default-name=wifi2 ] configuration.manager=capsman .mode=ap datapath=cap disabled=no
/interface wifiwave2 cap
set caps-man-addresses= certificate=none discovery-interfaces=vlan241-mgmt enabled=yes
/interface wifiwave2 datapath
add bridge=bridge1 disabled=no name=cap
/interface wifiwave2
# managed by CAPsMAN
set [ find default-name=wifi1 ] configuration.manager=capsman .mode=ap datapath=cap disabled=no
# managed by CAPsMAN
set [ find default-name=wifi2 ] configuration.manager=capsman .mode=ap datapath=cap disabled=no
# managed by CAPsMAN
set [ find default-name=wifi3 ] configuration.manager=capsman .mode=ap datapath=cap disabled=no
/interface wifiwave2 cap
set caps-man-addresses= certificate=none discovery-interfaces=vlan241-mgmt enabled=yes
/interface wifiwave2 datapath
add bridge=bridge1 disabled=no name=cap
Capsman address was added for "just maybe" case, result is the same with L2 communication.
vlan filtering is proper, was used on capsman v1 before, bridge interface added to vlan "just in case" too
And the result is:

Re: Capsman wave2

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 7:45 pm
by DJGlooM
Somehow capsman doesnt push vlan ID to caps, have to do it locally like this
/interface wifiwave2
# managed by CAPsMAN
# mode: AP, SSID: UTMT, channel: 5540/ax/Ce
set [ find default-name=wifi1 ] configuration.manager=capsman .mode=ap datapath=vlan240 disabled=no
# managed by CAPsMAN
# mode: AP, SSID: UTMT, channel: 2412/ax
set [ find default-name=wifi2 ] configuration.manager=capsman .mode=ap datapath=vlan240 disabled=no
And for slaves separately
/interface wifiwave2 cap
set certificate=none discovery-interfaces=vlan241-mgmt enabled=yes slaves-datapath=vlan240

But what if I need multiple slaves in different vlans?

Also it doesn't say, but I presume channel higher standard config includes previous standards?
/interface wifiwave2 channel
add band=2ghz-ax disabled=no frequency=2412,2437,2462 name=2ghz-ax secondary-frequency=disabled width=20mhz
add band=5ghz-ax disabled=no name=5ghz-ax skip-dfs-channels=all width=20/40mhz
And we're discriminating in provision?
/interface wifiwave2 provisioning
add action=create-dynamic-enabled disabled=no master-configuration=UTMT-2ax name-format=2G-%I supported-bands=2ghz-ax,2ghz-n
add action=create-dynamic-enabled disabled=no master-configuration=UTMT-5ax name-format=5G-%I supported-bands=5ghz-ax,5ghz-ac
Cause right now it work with older devices which doesnt support ax.

Re: Capsman wave2

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 8:17 pm
by DJGlooM
Ok current working capsman config is:
/interface wifiwave2 channel
add band=2ghz-ax disabled=no frequency=2412,2437,2462 name=2ghz-ax secondary-frequency=disabled width=20mhz
add band=5ghz-ax disabled=no name=5ghz-ax skip-dfs-channels=all width=20/40mhz
/interface wifiwave2 datapath
add bridge=bridge1 disabled=no name=vlan240 vlan-id=240
add bridge=bridge1 disabled=no name=vlan247 vlan-id=247
/interface wifiwave2 security
add authentication-types=wpa2-psk,wpa3-psk disable-pmkid=yes disabled=no group-encryption=ccmp group-key-update=1h \
    management-protection=allowed name=UTMT wps=disable
add authentication-types=wpa2-psk,wpa3-psk disable-pmkid=yes disabled=no group-encryption=ccmp group-key-update=1h \
    management-protection=allowed name=Guest wps=disable
/interface wifiwave2 configuration
add channel=5ghz-ax country=Russia datapath=vlan240 disabled=no mode=ap name=UTMT-5g security=UTMT ssid=UTMT tx-power=12
add channel=2ghz-ax country=Russia datapath=vlan240 disabled=no mode=ap name=UTMT-2g security=UTMT ssid=UTMT tx-power=12
add channel=5ghz-ax country=Russia datapath=vlan247 disabled=no mode=ap name=Guest-5g security=Guest ssid=Guest
add channel=2ghz-ax country=Russia datapath=vlan247 disabled=no mode=ap name=Guest-2g security=Guest ssid=Guest
/interface wifiwave2 capsman
set ca-certificate=none enabled=yes interfaces=vlan241-mgmt package-path="" require-peer-certificate=no upgrade-policy=none
/interface wifiwave2 provisioning
add action=create-dynamic-enabled disabled=no master-configuration=UTMT-2g name-format=2G-%I slave-configurations=Guest-2g \
add action=create-dynamic-enabled disabled=no master-configuration=UTMT-5g name-format=5G-%I slave-configurations=Guest-5g \
For hap ax2 as CAP:
/interface wifiwave2
# managed by CAPsMAN
# mode: AP, SSID: UTMT, channel: 5540/ax/Ce
set [ find default-name=wifi1 ] configuration.manager=capsman .mode=ap datapath=vlan240 disabled=no
# managed by CAPsMAN
# mode: AP, SSID: UTMT, channel: 2462/ax
set [ find default-name=wifi2 ] configuration.manager=capsman .mode=ap datapath=vlan240 disabled=no
/interface wifiwave2 cap
set certificate=none discovery-interfaces=vlan241-mgmt enabled=yes slaves-datapath=vlan247
/interface wifiwave2 datapath
add bridge=bridge1 disabled=no name=vlan240 vlan-id=240
add bridge=bridge1 client-isolation=yes disabled=no name=vlan247 vlan-id=247
Still cannot make Audience work with that config. Hoping for mikrotik's reps advice.

Re: Capsman wave2

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 4:14 am
by DJGlooM
Found the topic when got different error

Thanks mikrotik, as always user is unaware about ongoing bugs and should read tonns of forums and changelog and use beta.