Capsman wave2
Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 6:53 pm
Can somebody please explain why this thing isnt working? Doing by manual, of course customizing for myself. Two APs: hap ax2 and Audience. Same AP config - different results. Am I insane?
Capsman 5009:
vlan filtering is proper, was used on capsman v1 before, bridge interface added to vlan "just in case" too
And the result is:
Capsman 5009:
Code: Select all
/interface wifiwave2 channel
add band=2ghz-ax disabled=no frequency=2412,2437,2462 name=2ghz-ax secondary-frequency=disabled width=20mhz
add band=2ghz-n disabled=yes frequency=2412,2437,2462 name=2ghz-n secondary-frequency=disabled width=20mhz
add band=5ghz-ac disabled=yes name=5ghz-ac skip-dfs-channels=all width=20/40mhz
add band=5ghz-ax disabled=no name=5ghz-ax skip-dfs-channels=all width=20/40mhz
/interface wifiwave2 datapath
add bridge=bridge1 disabled=no name=vlan240 vlan-id=240
add bridge=bridge1 disabled=no name=vlan247 vlan-id=247
/interface wifiwave2 security
add authentication-types=wpa2-psk,wpa3-psk disable-pmkid=yes disabled=no group-encryption=ccmp group-key-update=1h \
management-protection=allowed name=UTMT wps=disable
/interface wifiwave2 configuration
add chains=0,1,2,3 channel=5ghz-ax country=Russia datapath=vlan240 disabled=no manager=capsman mode=ap name=UTMT-5 rrm=yes \
security=UTMT ssid=UTMT tx-chains=0,1,2,3 tx-power=12
add chains=0,1,2,3 channel=2ghz-n country=Russia datapath=vlan240 disabled=no manager=capsman mode=ap name=UTMT-2 rrm=yes \
security=UTMT ssid=UTMT tx-chains=0,1,2,3 tx-power=12
/interface wifiwave2 capsman
set ca-certificate=none enabled=yes interfaces=all package-path="" require-peer-certificate=no upgrade-policy=none
/interface wifiwave2 provisioning
add action=create-dynamic-enabled disabled=no master-configuration=UTMT-2 name-format=2G-%I supported-bands=2ghz-ax
add action=create-dynamic-enabled disabled=no master-configuration=UTMT-5 name-format=5G-%I supported-bands=5ghz-ax,5ghz-ac
hap ax2:
/interface wifiwave2
# managed by CAPsMAN
set [ find default-name=wifi1 ] configuration.manager=capsman .mode=ap datapath=cap disabled=no
# managed by CAPsMAN
set [ find default-name=wifi2 ] configuration.manager=capsman .mode=ap datapath=cap disabled=no
/interface wifiwave2 cap
set caps-man-addresses= certificate=none discovery-interfaces=vlan241-mgmt enabled=yes
/interface wifiwave2 datapath
add bridge=bridge1 disabled=no name=cap
Capsman address was added for "just maybe" case, result is the same with L2 communication.Audience:
/interface wifiwave2
# managed by CAPsMAN
set [ find default-name=wifi1 ] configuration.manager=capsman .mode=ap datapath=cap disabled=no
# managed by CAPsMAN
set [ find default-name=wifi2 ] configuration.manager=capsman .mode=ap datapath=cap disabled=no
# managed by CAPsMAN
set [ find default-name=wifi3 ] configuration.manager=capsman .mode=ap datapath=cap disabled=no
/interface wifiwave2 cap
set caps-man-addresses= certificate=none discovery-interfaces=vlan241-mgmt enabled=yes
/interface wifiwave2 datapath
add bridge=bridge1 disabled=no name=cap
vlan filtering is proper, was used on capsman v1 before, bridge interface added to vlan "just in case" too
And the result is: