I'm trying to configure hotspot in user trial mode and obtain email from user.
According to this https://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual:C ... ng_Hotspot it should be possible.
Any idea how to set email address for dynamically created trial user from login.html page?password - either plain-text password (in case of PAP authentication) or MD5 hash of chap-id variable, password and CHAP challenge (in case of CHAP authentication). This value is used as e-mail address for trial users
By default there is only MAC address sent there.
Code: Select all
<p class="info $(if error)alert$(endif)">
$(if error == "")Please log in to use the internet hotspot service $(if trial == 'yes')<br />Free trial available, <a href="$(link-login-only)?dst=$(link-orig-esc)&username=T-$(mac-esc)&>click here</a>.$(endif)
$(if error)$(error)$(endif)