While setting up DHCPv6 clients to retrieve their prefix over a PPPoE client, I noticed that prefixes aren't properly delegated when the clients connect to the same remote (separate physical ports/lines and contracts, just the same (HA) remote server instance). Cause seems to be a DUID conflict?
For the setup in question, I had enabled the DHCPv6 client configuration option "Use Interface DUID". The problem is that this seems to only (want to) derive from the MAC address of the interface the client is directly attached to (prefix + lowercase mac of interface, without colons). In this case, the MAC address of the PPPoE interface.
The problem is that the MAC address value it uses in case of a PPPoE interface just ends up being all 0's and thus all clients just end up having the same DUID; `0x00030001000000000000`.
If it where to use the MAC from the underlying (physical) interface, there wouldn't be a problem and each client would have had an unique DUID (which based on the type of DUID should be the case).
Turning off the setting "Use Interface DUID" is not an option either as they will all still end up with the same DUID. In this case the DUID is derived from the MAC address of ether1; e.g. `0x0x00030001ffdeadbeefff`.
The prefix seems to suggest Mikrotik is using a DUID based on the Link-Layer Address (DUID-LL, see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/r ... ction-11.4) so that is entirely valid, but also exactly why "Use Interface DUID" should be using the MAC address of the underlying (physical) interface
I have also submitted this as a bug report to see if anything comes out of that but in the mean time I was wondering if this is something anyone has had any previous experience with and if they, by any chance, know if there is a work-around available for this situation?