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Windows clients (10/11) authentication with Mikrotik Radius

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 12:07 pm
by kashifmax
Need to know if I create a radius server in Mikrotic and create a user. Can I authenticate the user from windows client (without active directory). If yes then how it is possible. I am asking because LDAP server was working with windows client (installed radius client which replaces the windows login screen) and it was working. This was a long time ago.

Re: Windows clients (10/11) authentication with Mikrotic Radius

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 4:46 pm
by BrianHiggins
Was about to write and say it's not possible for windows to do that, but I was curious if there was any such way to do that and so I did some searching, and found this:

In no way is that an endorsement or even a suggestion to use it, I actually think it's a recipe for disaster and probably insecure as can be, BUT it might do what you are looking for.

Re: Windows clients (10/11) authentication with Mikrotic Radius

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 4:37 pm
by kashifmax
Was about to write and say it's not possible for windows to do that, but I was curious if there was any such way to do that and so I did some searching, and found this:

In no way is that an endorsement or even a suggestion to use it, I actually think it's a recipe for disaster and probably insecure as can be, BUT it might do what you are looking for.
Thank you.
If I'm right. I will create a radius server with login checked and address should be an IP address, then AAA in User section. Finally install pGina on windows. I'll going to try it.