Simple Queue advise
Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 6:31 pm
We have one central rb with other rb's connecting down the line. we also have clients connecting to the
main rb.
We have setup simple queues to limit users and give full speed to the "feeds" to other AP's. Some of our clients
use to much bandwith and we would like to lower there priortiy. The problem is many of these clients are
connected via these "feeds" and get full prefference because of this.
We use masqurade all our rb's
Can we dissable the masqurade rules on the rb's and then just create all the simple queue rules on the main rb?
I have tried this with the rb at my home, and it seems to work, but not sure if this is correct?
We have one central rb with other rb's connecting down the line. we also have clients connecting to the
main rb.
We have setup simple queues to limit users and give full speed to the "feeds" to other AP's. Some of our clients
use to much bandwith and we would like to lower there priortiy. The problem is many of these clients are
connected via these "feeds" and get full prefference because of this.
We use masqurade all our rb's
Can we dissable the masqurade rules on the rb's and then just create all the simple queue rules on the main rb?
I have tried this with the rb at my home, and it seems to work, but not sure if this is correct?