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Bridging only IPX traffic

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 8:07 pm
by signal
If you have a mikrotik with a SINGLE ethernet interface for the LAN, and the WAN side is wireless, can you bridge ONLY IPX traffic, and still route the IP on that LAN interface? or would this require 2 ethernet LAN interfaces, one that is bridging (say using EoIP over a PPTP tunnel) using forward-protocols=IPX, and one that is a normal "routed" interface?

The goal is a customer has IPX traffic on there LAN they need to goto another LAN (across the wireless link). The normal IP traffic is routed nicely however, I do not wish to bridge all traffic. I would like to be able to bridge ipx (like I said over a EoIP/PPTP tunnel or something), but yet still route IP, sort of like Integrated Routing and Bridging.

If I can do this on one ethernet LAN interface, GREAT, if not, thats better then nothing. Any ideas?


Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 9:50 pm
by cmit
Did this on an waaaay old firmware version (I think 2.6.x or something like that) using Orinoco cards...
I just implemented a normal routed network over the wireless link. This works fine and (of course) keeps out any IPX traffic (which needs to be bridged).
Then I created an EoIP tunnel over the wireless link, put ether1 and the EoIP interface in a bridge, telling it to ONLY bridge IPX. That worked like a charm. (In fact I think I put the EoIP tunnel inside a PPTP tunnel, but that's just for security...)

If you need more assistance, I could post sample configs in a few days - as I'm just replacing this link with a routed-only 5 GHz MikroTik link.


Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:49 pm
by sarenos
Dear Sir,
I have a TPV in the LAN part and I want to access lo a Novell server that is in the WAN part. the problem is that I only want to bridge IPX traffic to reach to the server.

Could I do EoIP?
Can you explain me how can I configure it?
Which will be the remote address ?
Can you post any sample configs ?

Best regards.