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XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:06 am
by wildbill442
UPNP doesn't seem to be working correctly in ROS 3.0. Or Microsoft is using some non-standard UPNP implementation.

I show dynamic NAT rules created in ROS for Skype, but there should also be some ports in there for Xbox Live (3074 UDP). I manually added the NAT rule and it fixes the problem with NAT being detected as "Moderate" by the XBOX 360 console, it now shows as "Open".

I just installed RC13 on my home router, prior to 3.0 (2.9.45) I believe this was working properly.

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:22 am
by normis
UPnP works fine for me, although we don't have any Xboxes here for testing, we will test it with other applications to see if it works everywhere else.

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 8:25 pm
by csickles
Can you post your config for the XBox ports..

I need to set up the same for a vidio game store my son runs..

I have to use a "DLink" for now... for his game net..

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:11 am
by uldis
Sony PS3 detects fine the RouterOS uPNP.
Maybe it is problem with Xbox.
Are you sure that the Xbox was running fine with v2.9?

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:49 am
by wildbill442
No I'm not positive it worked with 2.9.xx.. I upgraded to 3.0 a day or two after installing the mikrotik router, so I might not have tried to connect with the xbox under 2.9.xx. It's very possible it didn't work with either version, I just noticed it when using 3.0rc13.

XBOX Configs:
/ip firewall nat 
add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat comment="" disabled=no \
    dst-address=<public_ip> dst-port=3074 protocol=udp \
    to-addresses=<private_ip_xbox> to-ports=3074
Then also make sure port 3074 is allowed through the firewall, I also created a static DHCP reservation so the xbox would always get the same private IP address.

This worked fine with a Netgear SOHO router, with no special port forwarding. I'd have to assume it used UPnP to forward the ports... Who knows, maybe Microsoft is using some skewed implementation of UPnP.

Are there any verbose/dubug logging options for UPnP to see if there are any attempts to create the rule by the xbox?

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 7:23 am
by csickles
With 2.9.50

This is a no go...

The xbox shows a "moderate NAT"

This creates intermittant disconnects and choppy audio (voice taunts etc)..

Any one got it working on 2.9X ??

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 6:20 pm
by csickles

Now the plot thickens..

My wife got me a XBox 360 (black) for XMas...

Now "I" need to figure this one out...

Merry Christmas and a happy new year !!

And may all your Halo3 games be fun !!

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 7:51 pm
by wildbill442
see my post above.. just add that NAT rule and open the port on your firewall..

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 1:44 am
by csickles
I have been doing some digging...

I have a few configs to try tonight..

I will advise if I happen on the fix..


Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 9:36 pm
by wildbill442
I have been doing some digging...

I have a few configs to try tonight..

I will advise if I happen on the fix..


you need not dig! I have the solution posted above... Are you reading my posts? All you need to do is DST-NAT port 3074 to your xbox and its fixed.. now you will have to make a static DHCP lease for the xbox so it doesn't change the IP address and mess up the NAT rule created..


Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:15 pm
by csickles
I have been reading and I have been doing...

The Dst NAT method for UDP # 3074 does not produce an "Open NAT" for Xbox live and Halo3..

I have done some Digging and found several posts on the XBox gammers sites..

They suggest opening the folowing..

UDP # 3074
TCP # 3074
UDP # 88

I have created a static IP address for my XBox, (DHCP ,and a DST NAT to that lease)

The NAT shows "Open" with these settings..

I am going to see if I can close up some of the ports and still maintain an "OPEN NAT"..

I then need to deal with the situation where the router is a DCHP cleintand there is only one adderss available, (Port forwarding)...

I will post as soon as I have an update..

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:12 am
by stevef1
Hi all please excuse my ignorance, have a router board 192 that i started playing with in December 07 (over Christmas i used my old wireless router i) i would like to start using the routerboard all the time and get rid of the wireless router, being new could anyone do a “walk through” on exactly how they have setup routeros (start to finish) my main interests are uPNP (have an xbox 360) i have upgraded routeros to v3 (latest version).
I have a cable modem (Virgin media) and am not interested in wireless (yet)



Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:37 pm
by csickles
wildbill442 for the most part is correct.

I tried shutting down ports one at a time (see prev post) and only the UDP 3074 is needed.

There is only one issue !!

If there is a "DST NAT" then the single port UDP 3074 works.
IE: if there is a public address NATed to an internal device, in otherwords you need a static address reservation for your XBox.... Hmmmm... I need a dynamic solution for my user.

If you need to Masqurade the device then I cant seem to ever get a "OPEN NAT"
I allways get a "Moderate NAT"..

I will keep playing with it..


Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:16 am
by normis
Hi all please excuse my ignorance, have a router board 192 that i started playing with in December 07 (over Christmas i used my old wireless router i) i would like to start using the routerboard all the time and get rid of the wireless router, being new could anyone do a “walk through” on exactly how they have setup routeros (start to finish) my main interests are uPNP (have an xbox 360) i have upgraded routeros to v3 (latest version).
I have a cable modem (Virgin media) and am not interested in wireless (yet)


this asks for a new topic. please start one. also read the basics: ... /basic.php

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 11:06 am
by fmoses
I have no issues with my 360 with standard src nat rules out ether1 (T1 to office) or if i mangle route it out ether2 (cable modem) Which is how i have it setup now. That being said my brother is on 2.9.49 and only has issues once in awhile but he is on a different connection. But i have never had issues. Are you double NATing maby?

I am using v.3.0rc13 on RB500R with daughter board.. and 2 wlans.

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:47 pm
by csickles
That seems to be the point..

"SRCNAT" seems to work. IE NATd to works.

BUT with a MASQURADE to a device (With a DST NAT by port) does not work.

The differance seems to be between the function of a SRC NAT vs MASQURADE..

My end user has 1 "Public IP" address (that changes)..

Does this make sence or am I just "Stuck on stupid"..

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:32 am
by butche

"SRCNAT" seems to work. IE NATd to works.

BUT with a MASQURADE to a device (With a DST NAT by port) does not work.

The differance seems to be between the function of a SRC NAT vs MASQURADE..

My end user has 1 "Public IP" address (that changes)..

Does this make sence or am I just "Stuck on stupid"..
I'd doubt you are "stuck on stupid" :-)

Why not just put together a script that runs every so often that checks the current IP on the public interface and, if it has changed, change the SRC-NAT rule. Or better, yet, tell the customer that what they want would be best served by purchasing a static IP. ;-) Either of these would be workable. I can help you with the first if you like.

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 2:29 am
by csickles
Great idea (static IPs) but I have only one word that shoots that all to "he.."


Need I say more.

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 3:28 am
by Hammy
Forwarding UDP port 3074 does work, but will obviously only work if you have only 1 XBox. Does anyone know what to do with more than 1 XBox or if MT will adjust UPnP to work with it?

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:54 pm
by wildbill442
or set the interface instead of the IP.. works much better, and no fancy script needed to update the rule.

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:48 am
by csickles
I will give that one a try...

I got fed up with it and dropped a LINKSYS in for the XBox and my wife's VOIP phone (T-Mobile)..

But I will try it for my customer..


Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.16

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 5:13 am
by techmonkey1
Are there any updates to the Xbox Live issue relating to UPnP? It seems like we are getting more requests from our customers to support this feature. I have been telling them to use other routers. I would prefer to have our customers use MT. I have tested the UPnP feature with WHS and XBox. MT's UPnP works great with WHS but not XBox Live.

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 10:37 pm
by Hammy
To summarize the issue:

MT's uPNP works for some services, but not XBox Live.
Other routers uPNP work with XBox Live.


Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 7:16 pm
by Hammy
To summarize the issue:

MT's uPNP works for some services, but not XBox Live.
Other routers uPNP work with XBox Live.

Forwarding UDP port 3074 does work, but will obviously only work if you have only 1 XBox. Does anyone know what to do with more than 1 XBox or if MT will adjust UPnP to work with it?


Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 4:24 am
by iam8up
To summarize the issue:

MT's uPNP works for some services, but not XBox Live.
Other routers uPNP work with XBox Live.

Forwarding UDP port 3074 does work, but will obviously only work if you have only 1 XBox. Does anyone know what to do with more than 1 XBox or if MT will adjust UPnP to work with it?

I have the exact same situation.

With the Xbox it complains without the dst-nat rule for 3074/udp it is a moderate NAT type (not sure what strict/moderate means but some information here - ... s.aspx#nat ).

Regardless of upnp configuration it complains of a moderate NAT type.

> ip upnp exp
# dec/28/2009 21:24:16 by RouterOS 4.3
# software id = 1234-1234
/ip upnp
set allow-disable-external-interface=no enabled=yes show-dummy-rule=yes
/ip upnp interfaces
add disabled=no interface=bridge-luthlan type=internal
add disabled=no interface="wan - integ" type=external
I can provide a pcap to a MT developer (off public accessibility) if it would help solve the issue.

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 1:04 am
by iam8up

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:54 pm
by csickles
Playing arround with it now...

I created DST NATs with the three above ports and added them to firewall rules as well..
(Rules by Interface not by address)

I enabled UPNP and setup the interfaces...

I put the router on the cox net..

System is showing Moderate NAT, but under Call of Duty, Modern Warfare II, play, voice Etc are fine..

I Will post what I see in a few moments RE a couple of dynemic DST NAT rules that are getting added by the UPN service..

I just saw the UPNP activity create two DST NAT rules...
UDP 30352 Looks like session setup search process (looking for peer X-Boxes to "game with") traffic only when a peer is searching.
TCP 30352 Looks like session setup process "Accepted Peer"... traffic only when a peer is added..

The plott thickens...

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:55 pm
by csickles
Next step....

Put a second X-Box 360 online.....

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:57 pm
by csickles
Forgot to mention...

RouterOS Version: 4.4 X86
Running on a Blackbird
(Atom 1.6 1GB ram, 250 SATA Proxy, Dual Gigabit, Cell Wan, Etc)

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 6:25 am
by iam8up
I am using ROS 4.3

I do see dynamic rules being created by my Win7 PC. Neither of two Xbox360 consoles, though.

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:31 pm
by j2sw
We do 1:1 nats for XBOX customers that call. Most of the time that fixes the issue. If the customer has multiple machines that need public services then 3074 fixes their issues. We saw issues with 3.10 and Xbox but 3.30 has been golden. Not tried going above that just yet.

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 2:20 am
by NyePod
Thank you for this thread, however my attempts to get my 3 xboxes to show open NAT behind by RB450 have failed.

I have tried the port 3074 option described but can't get this working even for a single XBOX to show open NAT.

I tried a linksys with UPNP and it works just fine.

I would love know how i can watch what UPNP rules the XBOX is sending to the Mikrotik, but I am too new to this product see this. I am happy to capture any information that is needed to work toward resolving this. I would hate to give up my cool router for something so simple as it not working with XBOX UPNP.

I am running RouterOS 4.3
Mikrotik: RB450


Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 4:59 pm
by Hammy
It's odd that the 3074 port forward didn't work. I can only assume that either it's setup wrong or something else is interfering. MT has obviously known about this over 2 years... since before 3.0 was released, according to the subject.

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:28 am
by iam8up
What's interesting is that still, after all this time, after the constant suggestion of "upgrade to the latest version" it still isn't fixed. Running 4.5 and I'm still unable to get upnp on Xbox 360 to work.

Dozens of us at least are operating networks that need this. I guess the demand for this feature isn't very strong in Europe which means those of us with customers that need this feature are screwed.

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:22 am
by Raf
I confirm this. Yesterday I've tried cheap 5 port router based on Ralink 3050 CPU. UPnP works perfectly with Xbox Live. MikroTik please fix it. Some users (like me) have problems with this bug. I've got dynamic IP from my ISP and if I want to manually forward ports for my Xbox 360 I have troubles... (don't want to write scripts to do that).

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:24 am
by normis
we don't have any xboxes around, so it's difficult. can anyone send us sniffer output files from the mikrotik router, made at the point when xbox is trying to connect?

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 12:08 pm
by Raf
I can when I'll get home.

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 4:53 pm
by Hammy
we don't have any xboxes around, so it's difficult. can anyone send us sniffer output files from the mikrotik router, made at the point when xbox is trying to connect?

All you techies and not a single XBox? What's up with that?

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 5:14 pm
by Chupaka
they play Cisco, not XBox ;)

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:03 pm
by csickles
we don't have any xboxes around, so it's difficult. can anyone send us sniffer output files from the mikrotik router, made at the point when xbox is trying to connect?
Will CALEA file do?

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:35 pm
by Raf
Normis I've got sniffed file during my Xbox 360 bootup. Where I should send it?
This file may contain some private info from my console so I won't upload it here.

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:44 pm
by Chupaka , as always =)

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:52 pm
by Raf
Sent. Go, go dev guys at MikroTik. Fix it and make us gamers happy ;)

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:50 am
by iam8up
Thank you very much for answering our call!
> ip upnp exp
# jan/25/2010 23:51:03 by RouterOS 4.3
# software id = 1234-1234
/ip upnp
set allow-disable-external-interface=no enabled=yes show-dummy-rule=yes
/ip upnp interfaces
add disabled=no interface=bridge-luthlan type=internal
add disabled=no interface="wan - integ" type=external

NAT rules off.

Booted Xbox, did network test (failed)

enabled NAT rules, did network test (succeeded)

Created ticket with support via email.

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:00 pm
by normis
thanks! finally we have some good packet captures. we made some improvements, you should test the next release. if it's still not working in v4.6, make another capture along with a supout.rif file

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:03 pm
by Raf
OK guys. I've tested latest pre-4.6 build and now everything works like it should :) Xbox 360 correctly forwards its ports.
So just wait for final ROS v4.6 release.

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:11 pm
by Hammy
OK guys. I've tested latest pre-4.6 build and now everything works like it should :) Xbox 360 correctly forwards its ports.
So just wait for final ROS v4.6 release.
I certainly hope so!

Can it handle more than 1 XBox at a time?

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:14 pm
by slebrun
And out of curiosity, what was the problem? Xbox not following the spec? RouterOS? One of those wacky 'the spec is ambiguous' issues?

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:29 pm
by iam8up
And out of curiosity, what was the problem? Xbox not following the spec? RouterOS? One of those wacky 'the spec is ambiguous' issues?
Since PS3 works and even Windows 7 (MCE, not sure where the line divides) works, I think we can all expect it to be the Xbox.

Finally we can get happy Xbox live tests without manually port forwarding!

Thank you very much Normis and the Mikrotik team behind the curtain!

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:36 pm
by iam8up
OK guys. I've tested latest pre-4.6 build and now everything works like it should :) Xbox 360 correctly forwards its ports.
So just wait for final ROS v4.6 release.
I certainly hope so!

Can it handle more than 1 XBox at a time?
Seems to handle two. I ran the "Xbox LIVE Connection" test upstairs, worked. Downstairs, worked. Finally upstairs a second time, worked. The second box looks like it is using 16056, some weird port.

The first one is, of course, using 3074

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:41 pm
by Hammy
OK guys. I've tested latest pre-4.6 build and now everything works like it should :) Xbox 360 correctly forwards its ports.
So just wait for final ROS v4.6 release.
I certainly hope so!

Can it handle more than 1 XBox at a time?
Seems to handle two. I ran the "Xbox LIVE Connection" test upstairs, worked. Downstairs, worked. Finally upstairs a second time, worked. The second box looks like it is using 16056, some weird port.

The first one is, of course, using 3074
Thanks, Josh. That's great news!

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:42 pm
by csickles
I loaded the "test" version code, and the X-Box360 under Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 shows: "OPEN NAT"..


I am looking to put a few units on the cable connection ASAP to test it under load..

By the way.. The high speed processing of the packets, (I am running a Blackbird for this test) is getting me "the drop" on other users.. I "see" them first and have a split second advantage in reaction time...

IE I can shoot them before they have a chance to react.. (Better scores !!)..

I have some veteran players that I want to have test it out to see if they agree..

I have a few client that will GREATLY appreciate the work !!

Will update when more testing is complete..

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:40 am
by ciphercore
Where does one find this pre.46 verison with working uPNP ? (mips)

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:41 pm
by uldis
Where does one find this pre.46 verison with working uPNP ? (mips)

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:32 pm
by ciphercore
My firewall filter was the cause of my issues.
This rule fixed my uPNP issues.
chain=input action=accept src-address=

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:41 am
by ktw-matt
I hate to say it, but I had a similar issue... Disabling this custom NAT rule fixed it for me:
action=src-nat chain=srcnat comment="Junk SRCNAT" disabled=yes src-address=x.x.x.x/N to-addresses=
I won't go into great detail about the above rule, except to say that I use it to prevent unauthorized wireless "guests" from using my internet connection.
The downside to it though, was that it also caught traffic coming from the MikroTik router itself via the router's LAN IP (in the above src-address subnet).

I suppose I can fix that rule by setting the in-interface to that of the LAN, and specify a src-address of "not (!) the router's LAN IP." :)

It's unfortunate that I had to figure this out after upgrading to the 4.6 pre-release, but atleast the PlayStation 3 is now showing "UPnP: Available." I'll report back if I have any more problems on this topic.

Edit: Actually, you can't specify in-interface on the srcnat chain, so I specified a src-address containing the entire range of usable IP's in the subnet, except for the router IP. (eg: x.x.x.x-x.x.x.x)

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:41 am
by desertadmin
chain=input action=accept src-address=
I have ROS ver 3.30. Does the above fix the problem for ROS 3.30?


Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:24 am
by iam8up
Hopefully Mikrotik isn't going to release the new upnp package just yet. There is a bug with Netflix. I've emailed support about this.

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:50 am
by csickles
havent seen this one??

What is up..

Needs a new forum thread ???

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 9:21 am
by normis
well, make a sniffer file and send to mikrotik, ASAP please :)

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:40 pm
by Chupaka
ASAP please :)
let me guess... this Friday?.. :D

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:27 am
by Raf
@normis If there will be another pre-4.6 test build with another bunch of fixes in UPnP then I want to test it if those new bugfixes won't brake Xbox LIVE connection :)

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:39 am
by normis
first we would need that sniffer file from the netflix problem.

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:49 am
by Raf
@iam8up Please sniff this connection and make a supout file.

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:38 pm
by lziegenhals
Was this fix ever released in the production code?

I am a new Mikrotik user, having just purchased a RB450G, and I am having the same problem: Xbox Live shows Medium NAT with UPnP enabled unless I also add a dstnat entry for UDP port 3074 to the Xbox 360.

I have tried this with both 5.0beta2 and 4.10.


Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 8:47 am
by csickles
I cant remember the serrings off the top of my head...
The issue is is with the UPNP settings..

You need to enable an inside interface and an outside interface.

Allow the client to controll the outside interface (I cant remember the settin name off the top of my head, but it will stick out like a sore thumb when you see it)

My XBox 350 shows OPEN NAT on COD..

With a speedy RouterOS box, you can often get the drop on other players ,,, Oh fun !!

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:15 pm
by lziegenhals
Thanks, Craig. I did finally get it working this morning. Unfortunately I'm not sure what I did to make it work (sigh), but the dynamic entries are now being added to the dstnat chain by UPnP and the Xbox is working fine. I didn't change any of the UPnP settings since yesterday, but the problem may have been due to my firewall filter rules.

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:32 am
by Raf
Yes. It was fixed few version ago. I've tested it with my Xbox.

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:10 pm
by SatireWolf
I'm glad this has finally been fixed 'for good' hopefully. I've been running linux based firewall / routers back since frame relay was hot and routers built on pentium 75's with quad pci 3com 10/100 nic's was bleeding edge (good ole' linux kernel 2.0.x's). Back when IP Maserquerading and NAT was something reasonably new (and something cisco failed miserably at) to the corporate networking realm (back before tcp winsocks went extinct).

I've since gone through freeBSD based firewalls (m0n0wall, pfsense et. al.), and recently fallen pray to the mighty cisco as m0n0wall and pfSense never quite got everything working properly all the time in any one build that I needed (and m0n0wall always was feature shy, and pfSense feature overload with lots of brokenness in every build ever released). They are all good solutions for limited networking problems, but never suited my needs in large complex networking situations (like a fully working BGP stack that didn't break every other release).

I've got an RB450G and RB1100 on order to start stomping on. If it passes the RB1100 will be replacing an aging Cisco ISR that gets hammered by multiple fiber connections with WiMAX failover and a DS1 for redundancy and emergency VOIP fault tolerance (WiMAX can't be trusted for VOIP, the latency is too high, and when it rains / lightnings packet loss becomes a problem even with a high gain dish, very good SNR and maxed out signal).

What's stopped me until today is the uPNP issues. I've had a trusty Linksys running Tomato for our internal Xbox 360's we use for weekend tourneys in the conference rooms. I just gave it a public static IP on our T1, and DMZ'd it on our Cisco so for all intensive purposes it had it's own dedicated network connection to make our XBox's work.

Finally, hopefully I can put our derelect Cisco to bed, and have an 'Office Space' funeral for the Linksys (much the brunt of many bad jokes having to reboot the thing once a week because of poor hardware design).

I have to say, that being the only linux/freeBSD router company to fix the Xbox uPNP problem is remarkable. It's something that should be broadcast and shouted at the tops of every tech mountain.

I will certainly be sharing my experience with MikroTik with my fellow techies and pfSense followers should this work. pfSense has had broken uPNP and NAT since after versions 1.1 ~2005/2006. Static mapping and Port forwarding doesn't work for multiple XBox networks. It's about time someone fixed this in a real high grade routing platform.

Maybe the RouterOS feature brochure needs to include a 'Tested and works with XBox Live' tag line. I know it sold me. I've been watching all the various router platform boards since 2008 looking for a solution to this.

Not even the other open-source (typically Redhat/CentOS based) firewalls get this right.

Thanks for fixing this!

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 7:37 am
by Ebain
Any time I open the Nat ports in the IP->Firewall it shuts off xbox live connectivity, as if blocking that service.
I use a simple NAT rule in the fire wall opening ports 88(UDP) and 3074(UDP/TCP) to DSTNAT then the IP address.

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 7:39 am
by Ebain
I Use a simple NAT rule in IP->Firewall.
But anytime I open ports 88(UDP) and 3074(TCP/UDP) it blocks xbox live connectivity.
I use DSTNAT to the IP address.
What am I doing wrong?

Re: XBOX Live and ROS 3.0RC13

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:30 am
by itmethod
I'm Having an Issue with ROS v6.36 and the change log does not show any modification to UPNP for 6.36.2 or for 6.36.3
UPNP does not appear to be entering the DST port but it is filling in the to-port under action. as to redirect all UDP/TCP traffic to the xbox's port.
Screenshot below.