I'm not sure about "instead". The old v1 protocol's reservation remains "deprecated" in the
IANA IPv6 Special-Purpose Address Registry, so if traffic arrives at my router using an address from that space, continuing to treat it as "bad_ipv6" sounds right to me. Given the nature of IPv6, I think there's an excellent chance it will
never be reassigned.
More broadly, should everything marked "Globally Reachable = false" be on the bad_ipv6 list?
I'm uncertain whether putting TEREDO and 6to4 on the defconf list is an over-reach. While there may still be MT sites out there using them, can't we count on native IPv6 access nearly everywhere now? I realize IPv6 isn't universal yet, but if you want IPv6, is there any ongoing reason to choose these old tunneling protocols to get it?