I'm trying to send CoA for pppoe users with radiusclient (freeradius) and have problems...
For example I want to change Mikrotik-Rate-Limit and send:
Code: Select all
Sending CoA-Request of id 124 to 217.xx.xx.18 port 1700
User-Name = "pppoetest"
NAS-IP-Address = 217.xx.xx.18
Mikrotik-Rate-Limit = "32k"
NAS-Identifier = "14m-gw"
Called-Station-Id = "internet"
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-IP-Address = 81.xx.xx.190
Code: Select all
rad_recv: CoA-NAK packet from host 217.xx.xx.18:1700, id=124, length=40
Error-Cause = Unsupported-Extension
NAS-Identifier = "14m-gw"
NAS-IP-Address = 217.xx.xx.18
hotspot error info Radius request for unknown ip 81.xx.xx.190
Sending CoA-NAK...
I tried to send Session-Id and other AV-pairs but without success
At the same time PoD (disconnect) is working ok for pppoe. But after user is disconnected and accounting info sent there is also a line in log:
hotspot error info Radius request for unknown ip 81.xx.xx.190
Why hotspot? I didn't found any restrictions in documentation. It just says:
Maybe CoA works for hotspot only? Why there is no information in docs about that restriction if so? I do not need hotspot - just pppoe.Change of Authorization
RADIUS disconnect and Change of Authorization (according to RFC3576) are supported as well. These attributes may be changed by a CoA request from the RADIUS server:
* Mikrotik-Group
* Mikrotik-Recv-Limit
* Mikrotik-Xmit-Limit
* Mikrotik-Rate-Limit
* Ascend-Data-Rate (only if Mikrotik-Rate-Limit is not present)
* Ascend-XMit-Rate (only if Mikrotik-Rate-Limit is not present)
* Mikrotik-Mark-Id
* Filter-Id
* Mikrotik-Advertise-Url
* Mikrotik-Advertise-Interval
* Session-Timeout
* Idle-Timeout
* Port-Limit
Note that it is not possible to change IP address, pool or routes that way - for such changes a user must be disconnected first.
Please can anybody explain this?
PS: Mikrotik 2.9.50 but tried older versions with the same "results".