Tue Apr 16, 2024 11:45 am
Load balancing is not the same as defining which AP gets to serve which client.
The only way to steer what you're looking for is based on MAC address and access lists (to my knowledge).
And still then you may run into a client which does not like if it's being forced to use a specific AP if it thinks the other one is better so it may not connect at all.
What if a client moves away from AP A and needs to connect to AP B ?
It will not happen if you block it.
You can also use those access lists to steer based on signal level but still it can happen then that all clients go to 1 AP, if they're all sitting just next to that AP.
Again, why ? What's the underlying requirement ?
Who cares if one AP gets ALL the clients if that's what the clients themselves decide that's for them the best AP to connect to ?