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RouterOS and SNMPv3 debug errors

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 9:21 pm
by gh05t

See this post: viewtopic.php?t=180066
Can someone please explain to me how it's possible that a bug from RouterOSv3 is STIIIIIIIIIIILL present in RouterOS 7.14 and 7.11.
Note: I have given both mikrotik routers unique EngineID suffixes (1234 & 5678)

From two different Network monitors - PRTG 24 & Zabbix 6.0.30 using SNMPv3 I get identical errors on two different ROS devices - RB951G-2HnD & hAP ac^2
v3 err: 1 not in time window or incorrect engine boots
v3 err: 3 unknown engine id
Yet it still works - I wouldn't even have noticed it, but I 'had' some reliability issues (with Zabbix specifically) which I seem to have fixed for the moment.
Zabbix just sometimes gives "Connection timed out" which seems to have gone away for the moment.

Or maybe I'm just dumb that I don't what I'm doing.

Any one have any experience with this error or SNMPv3. Maybe I have a ID10T fault ;)

Re: RouterOS and SNMPv3 debug errors

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 8:56 pm
by gabrielrocha
Same problem here... I was hoping that after updating to version 7, it would be fixed, but after read your comment I just don't know what else I could do...