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CPU Utilization - very high

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 2:38 am
by Pablo_M

I always used RB133 moterboards for wireless. I check out that when traffic reaches about 14 Mbps in both directions (Rx and tx), the cpu utilization reaches 100%.

Moreover, when traffic is cut completely the cpu utilization has an average of 50%, which I beleive is to high for the motherboard in idle state.

My question is, can I shutdown any unnecesary process (like bgp, dhcp, all the things that comes with the OS) or should I buy a more powerfull cpu intensive motherboard such as rb333?

Thanx and Brgds.

RB133 doing nothing with no traffic:

cpu-used: 68
free-memory: 18164
cpu-used: 56
free-memory: 18164
cpu-used: 56

Software version: 2.7

Re: CPU Utilization - very high

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 2:47 pm
by InoX
My RB133 with 3 clients on,2 wireless modules, bridge and up/down 1mbps/2mbps traffic:
cpu-used: 14%
free-memory: 18.5 MiB
uptime: 12d 18:20:32

Software version: 2.9.50

Package list:

Re: CPU Utilization - very high

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:18 am
by Pablo_M
I never get cpu utilization below 2%. Only when wireless card is disabled by soft or when wireless link is down. When wireless is up it stays an average of 50% at idle state. When I load the link with traffic it reaches 100%, at 20 Mbps in one way, either transmit or receive

Onother test I done with rb133, is with dual-streme. (2 radio cards per RB133)
Instead of doubling the throughput it also, stays throughput at 20-22 Mbps in one way and 12 Mbps in both ways. In all cases at 100% cpu utilization.
I dont see improvement in dual-streme.

Packages installed: I also tried to disable all unnesary packages, routing, security, dhcp, hotspot, etc, and did not get any imrpovement.

Test enviroment: Rb133, some units with one wireles card SR5 (ubiquiti), and other rb133 with 2 cards SR5. (also notice that average cpu increases when having 2 cards even though the second card is not loades with traffic)

I would appreciate if someone can give me a hint

Re: CPU Utilization - very high

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 4:23 pm
by InoX
For more speed you need v.3 but is not stable yet...not for me.

Re: CPU Utilization - very high

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 8:32 pm
by jwcn
14 megs on a 133 is respectable. You are expecting too much out of a low-cost CPE device.

Re: CPU Utilization - very high

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:10 am
by duppini
hola pablo, si podes agenda mi mail y vemos si podemos cambiar experiencias... gracias

Re: CPU Utilization - very high

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:44 am
by jwcn

You need to post in English.

Re: CPU Utilization - very high

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:45 am
by Pablo_M
I tested rb 333 and got throughput up to 30 Mbps half duplex and around 15 Mbps Full duplex.

Then I tested dual-streme and got 60 Mbps half duplex and 30 Mbps full Duplex.(doubled the speed) - (CPU average 60-70% and notice in few rare ocations reaches peaks of 100%)

This improvementet is excelent!, though I can not get the 54 Mbps that some peaple claim, and the 108 Mbps in dual extreme.

Anyone got more throughput? why can I not get 54 Mbps with one radio card.
Does some one at Mikrotik answer this question?


Re: CPU Utilization - very high

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 1:07 am
by jwcn
Try running in turbo mode...

Re: CPU Utilization - very high

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 9:26 am
by jcremin
Even if a radio connects at 54mbps, there is no way to pass that much data. Don't expect much more than 30mbps on a standard 20mhz channel.

Re: CPU Utilization - very high

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 1:45 pm
by Alex
with rc13 and 333 i`ve got 60 mbps udp half duplex and 50 mbps tcp half duplex.nsteme,exact size, 5-turbo, wds bridge
with 3.2 and 411 i`ve got around 30 mbps.5ghz, nstreme, exact size, wds bridge.with turbo i`v got REAL 53 mbps.