What exactly is wrong with this script?
I am using RouteOS V7 and get this script from wiki page.
Code: Select all
# Domain to be added to your DHCP-clients hostname
:local topdomain;
:set topdomain “localdomain”;
# Use ttl to distinguish dynamic added DNS records
:local ttl;
:set ttl "00:59:59";
# Set variables to use
:local hostname;
:local hostip;
:local free;
# Remove all dynamic records
/ip dns static;
:foreach a in=[find] do={
:if ([get $a ttl] = $ttl) do={
:put ("Removing: " . [get $a name] . " : " . [get $a address]);
remove $a;
/ip dhcp-server lease ;
:foreach i in=[find] do={
/ip dhcp-server lease ;
:if ([:len [get $i host-name]] > 0) do={
:set free "true";
:set hostname ([get $i host-name] . "." . $topdomain);
:set hostip [get $i address];
/ip dns static ;
# Check if entry already exist
:foreach di in [find] do={
:if ([get $di name] = $hostname) do={
:set free "false";
:put ("Not adding already existing entry: " . $hostname);
:if ($free = true) do={
:put ("Adding: " . $hostname . " : " . $hostip ) ;
/ip dns static add name=$hostname address=$hostip ttl=$ttl;