I initially posted my first post here: viewtopic.php?p=1081575#p1081575 and then shortly after I also posted the same to r/MikroTik subreddit, and then things went downhill from there, and then the 4 moderators running the subreddit banned me to make things appear worse (I remind myself of this quote: “Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” - The Art of War, Sun Tzu)
I mentioned a little bit about my personal situation resulting in ban and whatnot, but I want to try to unpack and extract my experience to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it. I am not the most skilled or efficient to accomplish this, however, I can at least try to organize and take into account my experience to decompile a sense of comprehension and undertsanding. I also don't want to hijack any other post nor do I want to cause any disruption, nor does any of these informations have any concern whatsoever to the company in any official capacity. Everything I am writing about here is in no way involving MikroTik company, and is 100% a reflection of the people in the world that are beyond the scope of MikroTik company and its employees.
Backtracking, it seems June 13th, 2024 is approximately the very first attentions I encounterd MikroTik networking equipment as part of my consumer shopping to purchase device for use in my home. Before then I practically have no recollection or familiarity or attention to MikroTik otherwise that I can think of.
June 20th, 2024 I posted viewtopic.php?p=1081575#p1081575 and https://archive.ph/https://old.reddit.c ... s_in_this/ (I share archive link because the post is deleted/censored by moderators now -- I don't know why they can't handle that being visible for anyone to potentially find or see, but also I've been archiving things for 10+ years, and I probably make hundreds of thousands of archives a year, lol, even if they are unnecessary and useless, but I can't know until unfortunate unpredictable situations happen that make them useful later, like domains being squatted, websites disappearing and whatnot)
Everyone is welcome to their own judgments and feelings/emotions/opinions. There are no wrong feelings, no wrong emotions, no wrong opinions, no wrong subjective interpretations. 100% right all that, but objectively 2+2=4 is right and 2+2=5 is wrong. I am a human, and I can prove it and I have proven it, and I will continue to prove it, despite 5+ years learning just how anti-human so many humans are, of all ages too, lol, yes, my own biological family with 70+ 80+ year old family members have at least one time said something to me clear as day that they do not accept that I am a human, but I could be a human if I did what they tell me to do, but I didn't, and they blocked me, so I am not human according to them, lol, but it's funny to me because I didn't realize years later, this phenomena would be normalized that all of a sudden thousands of humans not knowing at all of their treating me in these ways altogether individually in different situations and different contexts are literally trying to convince me and everyone else that I am not a human. And I'll try to keep this part short instead of writing essay, but I think this is fundamentally important to reflect on especially now that ChatGPT artificial intelligence exists to make sockpuppetry even more sophisticated and whatnot, but I am so proud and glad that five (5) years ago using Discord in voice chat and even video chat with many different real human beings that I know 100% they are real, and not computer generated simulation animation (trust me bro, lol, you don't have to, but I trust me) and even those experiences those persons, maybe like 50-100 at different times, different situations, experiences and whatnot, each of them put forth quite substantial effort to accuse me of being a bot, and this was before trending of ChatGPT, but they pursued this effort in ways that almost 100% of every single situation those human persons become angry and try to control me, their entire premise for behaving in such ways (in my opinion). They just want power and influence and control. Maybe it's an ego thing. I don't know, whatever, not too important to speculate, but I think there is a reason for these phenomena, and I think there is a reason how it relates to why I was banned.
So I'll list a few things that I am confident of, a few corrections:
- I am not a bot, not an obvious bot nor antonyms of obvious such as inconspicuous bot, subtle bot, obscure bot. Also, and this is far more important, I do not use any language based bot anything for any of my communications, and when I emphasize "my" that is only because I technically have written language Node.js translation bot scripting to convert English to other languages and other languages to English for some server things that are entirely unrelated and irrelevant, but I am familiar and a little bit experienced with software automation and daemons and server-side processes that technically qualify as being deemed or labeled as a "bot"
So what is the purpose of this post? The purpose is to organize a few bits and pieces of informations that I encountered as well as combining my experience on the unofficial r/MikroTik subreddit in such a way that I would like to address the matter whereby the people involved in the subreddit are properly handling resolving situation correctly compliant with ... and this is where factual objectivity is essential ... Reddit's Terms of Service and Code of Conduct and Content Policy, and I would like to do so even though I know (or even if I am wrong about what I know in this regard) that the r/MikroTik subreddit is in no way affiliated with or involved with or representative of MikroTik in any way whatsoever, that despite that, whoever is involved in that subreddit should still have a sense of decency and netiquette and morality and ethicality to distinguish truth from lie, to distinguish objective correct fact from subjective incorrect fiction, to distinguish innocent from guilty, to distinguish and to enforce rule violations that are applied correctly and not opposite or backwardsly, and basically to be able to facilitate for defending and protecting against sabotaging, infiltrating, espionaging, and all sorts of destructive, damaging, subverting things.
As a potential consumer to purchase MikroTik network hardware equipment, if I purchase any and then I socially experience that I can't get any community support and assistance from the people that are not official company staff paid employees, because they ban me as if to claim that I am the problem, not them, and if this were to escalate to be reinforced and doubled down in such ways that the order of events is dissolved and misrepresented and misunderstood and mischaracterized to facilitate to experience that may as well discourage consumers/customers to even consider, except it's not the company employees treating in these ways, it's some other entity that is somehow causing damage and whatnot, but without evidence or proof to figure out who, what, where, why, how, etc., then where does anyone start to make sense of what's going on and does anyone even realize? Besides, when I think of things like when Stephen Burke said in https://youtu.be/I3DwhTc7Z4o?t=567
which reflects sentiment that I increasingly recognize and realize and I think I have a solid grasp of understanding what is happening in every single company/business industry, and also I think I (and many others) have a sense of realizing how to fix it effectively, and that it is not all the companies/businesses that are intentionally causing and creating and manufacturing anti-consumer anti-human anti-life experiences, but that the recipe process to result in these systemically reproducible repeatedly consent manufactured outcomes, all the parties involved in these processes to engage in ways that are plausibly deniable or otherwise sophisticated or complicated or shredding the evidence and rewriting the history and covering up the details, a bigger picture of shenanigans that builds mistakes on mistakes on mistakes, like developing frameworks and protocols that are destructive rather than constructive, and this is WAAAAY BEYOND what my purpose of this post is to address, but given the magnitude and scale of these occurrences increasingly happening, then trying to identify and question trust in product manufacturing entities (we call these companies/businesses because they officially register to legally do business in their countries/territories, at least they still do I think), I personally would like to appreciate being a proud owner of products that, as far as I am currently finding in my researches, I am finding and have previously found so many citations suggesting appreciation of MikroTik network equipments, and I want to believe that I will be a happy reasonably decent customer to purchase such products and probably not have any issues, but even if I have questions, I would like to utilize IRC Internet Relay chat, and WWW World Wide Web, and other forms of unofficial community participations to offload most of my concerns to not be directly the responsibility of the official company to deal with that. That is an unnecessary burden, and if I am not going to pay for support (especially after warranty), then that's basically how Internet communities exist. But if I find out that the Internet communities are banning me (just 1 so far, but I'm not going to wait to find out maybe all of them are prepared to repeat the same insult to injury, lol) because they think I do not deserve to be qualified as a valid human worthy to say what other humans can say and are qualified because they said things in a way that are perhaps omitting details that are otherwise quiet part kept quiet to keep oblivious or hidden the complexity sophistication of things that otherwise if solving magnitude and scale of identifying all the parties involved in ways that they are involved to be destructive rather than constructive, to be incentivized to destroy and harm and disincentivized to build or maintain and help improve, albeit in hypocritical rules-for-thee-but-not-for-me fashion that is otherwise slap on the wrist fine cost of doing abuse mistake incorrect things, then if I find that out, then I want to help to fix those mistakes to stop making the mistakes, even if rug pull after rug pull after rug pull after rug pull after rug pull after rug pull after rug pull after rug pull after rug pull after rug pull after rug pull after rug pull after rug pull after rug pull after rug pull after rug pull after rug pull after rug pull .... I can handle it! I don't like to handle it, but my entire life history is increasingly endeavoring in realizing almost everything is consciously cognitively defamatorily character assassinationly rigged in such ways that it's easier to just throw under the bus all the humans that refuse to cut corners and take shortcuts and make mistakes, because probably now there are more humans that accept making more money having less skill than those thave have skill and are becoming demoralized and unemployable, the process to financially incentivize with rewarding bad behavior and punishing good behavior, rewarding being wrong, punishing being right, rewarding lies, punishing truth, it's frustrating but not impossible to deal with.9:27 "Okay, so if you can't trust ASUS, or you can't trust Gigabyte, ... who do you trust?"
So back to that quote, if you can't trust 100% of entities that just yesterday you could trust them, but then something happened, and now you can no longer trust them, then, which is better? To continue onward and keep making things worse and worse, or to figure out what happened yesterday and fix that, revert that, and stop doing that, so that trust can be restored?
I am not saying that r/MikroTik moderators are mastermind intelligent all by themselves, the four of them, that they and no other parties no other humans in any other role of anything are cause for concern. No. In fact, there are probably, and I do not mean to be disrespectful in any way, not that smart to be able to pull off such a targeted effort with MikroTik being the target. And they don't even have to be that smart actually. Sure, MikroTik is a private company, not public, but Reddit was private too, and is public now, and I could explain many more details, but basically, neither private nor public practically matters anymore (in my opinion) in terms of targeting and whatnot, and I'd like to trust someone... anyone, more than 0% of entities. I don't want to have to wait for Stephen Burke to tell me that I can trust A, B, C, D, E. I want to figure this out for myself, but also I don't want to just learn, I also want to help to .... in this case, given my ban situation that is insulting to the comments that occurred before I was ban that were also blatantly wrong, deceptive, misleading, and seemingly https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm kinds of things, I don't want to see what I see, witness what I witness, experience what I experience, and then do nothing, be too afraid to do or say zero or more things, like analogy of witnessing robbers and they see that I see them, so they knowing that they can't allow me to risk their getaway, what do they do? do I beg and plead with them and say to them I beg, please, spare me! I will not tell anyone what I see, and then expect them to believe me? Nah, it's not even that bad, cuz the comments I received in the post are entirely public. Well, the post is censored/deleted now, so it might be a ltitle difficult for some people to see, but I am glad that I made a bunch of archives, lol, so it's not difficult at all, and the private mod ban message and my responses, I am preparing to transparently share those as well, so anyway. I don't know what the motivations or inspirations or intentions are with treating me in the way that I was treated, and banning me is purposed for, but I definitely have more than zero ideas relating to my entire life history of experiences that are patternistically practically rhyming, so, what can I do to try to address this? One thing I can do is tell more than zero humans more than zero things, whether verbally speaking using my mouth talking, or using my fingers typing on a keyboard like I'm doing here, lol.
So anyway, here's the details and order of events that relate to my concern in terms of my personal experiences in the last 24-48 hours.
- First I posted viewtopic.php?p=1081575#p1081575
- Then I posted https://old.reddit.com/r/mikrotik/comme ... s_in_this/
- Then I was banned https://old.reddit.com/message/messages/2b2xajc
- You can't see the message, but I previusly shared screenshots
- You can't see the message, but I previusly shared screenshots
- Then I got a mod response saying only "No." and I replied again, see
for full conversation from start to current end
I have never purchased any and probably never will purchase any Ubiquiti anything, but in general citing this idea as it pertains to literally a multi-billion dollar company is apparently toxic and abusive. The 4 moderators of r/MikroTik in just a single action and one word follow up response, which combined with my research investigation to glance at some histories and whatnot, the toxicity and abuse of those moderators that just 4-5 years ago at least one of them was communicating expressing opposite of toxic abuse suggestion in post on the r/MikroTik subreddit, encouraging to be nice and whatnot, but now 4-5 years later, they aren't even nice anymore? I am not accusing any of the r/MikroTik moderators specifically, because as far as I am concerned, all 4 of them are 100% guilty and 100% showcase accessory accomplice aiding and abetting standalone complex that they do not even need to collude or conspire in any way, because they already have confidence in their own lifestyles to be trusting each other and whatnot, trusting to abuse together complimenting defending the abuse against anyone that complains about the abuse, as if to think they can and will outlast any and all attempts to try to expect them to stop being abusive and stop making mistakes, the same things they apparently were embracing just 4-5 years ago, but not anymore, lol when I saw that history, I was like.... this pattern rhyming again, lol, which is better?"I'm a network engineer who owns and operates hundreds of Ubiquiti products across five states. I have almost every model of their EdgeRouter and EdgeSwitch products along with a dozen wireless access points and Unifi switches and controllers sitting here next to me right now.
I'm tired of the shoddy software, the lack of support, and the toxicity and abuse from this company.
Where do I even start?"
- Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
- Fool me once, no shame. Fool me twice, no shame. Fool me infinite times, no shame. Lesson to learn, reward fools and punish everyone that refuses to be fooled, to the literal extent that:
- Smart is smart. Dumb is dumb. Fools are fools. Prodigies are prodigies.
- are replaced and swapped with Smart is dumb. Dumb is the new smart. Fools are prodigies. Prodigies are the new fools.
in their ban message that they also wrote:"Seek professional help"
and the only rules I can found are quantity of one rules"because you broke this community's rules."
- Don't post content that is incorrect or potentially harmful to a router/network.
This in itself is not a bannable offence but answers that are verifiably incorrect or will cause issues for other users will be edited or removed.
Examples: Factual errors - "EOIP is always unsecure" Configuration problems - Config that would disable all physical interfaces on a router Trolling - "Downgrade it to 5.26"
and if the r/MikroTik moderators treat me in this way, they will 100% psychologically social engineeringly expionagely sabotagely infiltratingly keep doing these things until they practically are like that quote sentiment expressed about Ubiquiti being toxic and abusive, and I would not be surprised if MikroTik company acquiesces and capitulates and bends the knee and raises the fists and submits to abuse, submits to toxicity, adopts abuse and adopts toxicity and becomes abusive and toxic and then becomes publicly traded company and the executives and board of directors cash out selling their shares for billions of dollars of profit and let Wall Street to keep the company alive with FTD failure to delivers of transactions trapped in dark pools and internalization of hedgefunds, prime brokers, market makers, that do all sorts of shenanigans, and even utilize services like BlackRock's Aladdin https://blackrock.com/aladdin to automate handling of FTD failure to delivers and swaps and derivatives using artificial intelligence where persons like James Arthur McDonald Jr will say "STELL OFF" instead of "SELL OFF" (see https://youtu.be/8fTgvIEqYaI?t=19) not accidentally, but intentionally, because he knows the artificial intelligence algorithms will react if he says "SELL OFF" so he doesn't say that, lol, but he's now arrested and captured by FBI https://fbi.gov/wanted/wcc/james-arthur-mcdonald-jr
Again, I am not saying that the moderators of r/MikroTik are intentionally doing illegal criminal fraudulent corrupted things, no, that's WAAAAAAY beyond what the purpose of this post is. My primary concern is to address and fix this ridiculous ban situation and to restore my post. Sure, I don't need to participate in r/MikroTik, and I can survive without it, but why should I give up? Why can't I participate? What did I do? What rule did I violate? Why was I banned? Why is my post deleted/censored? Who is able to answer these questions? Anyone? Nobody? What then?