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regex on Layer7 Protocols

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 4:52 am
by globalmedia
Dear community,

I am not good with regex and I would love a help.

I would like to create a regex rule where I ignore some records:


Basically I need to select any or * EXCEPT host that start with LETTERS-\d{2}

This rule (.*[A-Za-z][-][0-9][0-9])\.ad\.example\.com can select what I would like to ignore. I have no idea about how to create a negative rule with regex.

I appreciate any help from you.

Re: regex on Layer7 Protocols

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 8:01 pm
by globalmedia
I am using to help me debug the expression. Finally I have done an expression that matches what I need... But when I try to insert it in the layer 7 regexp, I just got a message saying that is not possible to use it.

The expression I want to use is:


