Wondering if I can replace a Raspberry Pi with Mikrotik RB450Gx4 for rsync and small file storage. Currently, on Raspberry Pi rsynd, ssh and nginx are running to provide small, LAN Gentoo Linux infrastructure.
The workflow is:
1. Main Gentoo portage rsync is done on Pi and other machines sync from Pi. Trouble: I need plain rsync, not ipsec - is possible ?
2. Packages are compiled on most powerfull x86_64 PC and a Raspberry Pi 5 and binary packages are stored on first Pi via sshd. I presume there I can use also sshd or smbd.
3. Other machines get packages from Pi (set as binary host) via nginx web server. Here I can run a container running nginx or set a ssh binary host.
So: I want to store binary packages and Gentoo portage on SD card plain rsync from it and download packages via a local web server or ssh. Can it be done ?
Thank you!