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Changeip errors

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:54 am
by stelios-k
Greetings !

I am using the script from the wiki ...
to update a dynamic ip.

The adsl modem is connected in bridge mode through a pppoe interface

The script seems to be working (from what i can see at the logs) but the call to / tools dns-update ends up with an error in logs
ddns error timeout

I even used the dns-update command from a terminal window, passing the info manually but still i get the same error

Using the windows client from a machine on the local net the ip gets updated correctly

Any idea what could be going wrong ?

Re: Changeip errors

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:17 pm
by stelios-k
To answer my own question :)

After a bit of sniffing i found that for dns-update to work correcltly port 443 needs to be open, or the replies from changeip never get back

Re: Changeip errors

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 8:00 pm
by changeip
Yes, dns-update uses SSL to protect your credentials. If you are using established / related rules the response should be allowed back in automatically. Since this traffic originates from the router it should be using the output chain to start the conversation.

Re: Changeip errors

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:37 pm
by jordantrx
Can someone provide the Chain to allow port 443 so i can add it to my firewall filter.. I have tried but i seem to be doing it incorrectly... everything works fine im just getting a connect error, and i have firewall disabled... -Jordan