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Adding new wAP AX to network and setting up CAPsMAN

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2024 6:32 am
by Frederick88
Currently running a RB4011 (router/DHCP/DNS), hAP AX3 for wifi & a 3rd party WiFi AP..

Have just purchased a wAP AX to replace the 3rd party WiFi AP, so my wifi network will be served using wAP AX and hAP AX3.

Looking to setup CAPsMAN as part of this - with the key feature being able to roam my devices between both APs seamlessly...

i plan on using documentation ... er+CAPsMAN -- looks fairly straight forward, but before i start, i'm wondering if there's any gotchas or considerations i should make, particularly when my hAP AX3 is already setup as standalone AP... I also use several SSIDs, each with their own VLAN (that's already been configured on the hAP AX3)
CAPsMAN setup.png

Re: Adding new wAP AX to network and setting up CAPsMAN

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2024 7:56 am
by gigabyte091
What I can recommend you is to go full CAPsMAN, you can also use PPSK so you can have one SSID IF WPA3 IS NOT IMPORTANT TO YOU.

Ditch VLAN1 and you can start by exporting configutation so we can see what is already configured.

Re: Adding new wAP AX to network and setting up CAPsMAN

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2024 8:26 pm
by kryllem

Nice to see a post regarding wap ax.
I would like to know if you get it work.

I purchased an wap ax AP to extend my network with current cap ax AP and unfortunately I never got it work.

I made the same configuration on wap ax as the one I have on cap ax but the only one part that works is provisioning the wireless network.

Once a user try to connect they never get any ip address assigned from DHCP nor any connection with static IP.

I even tried to put it in cap mode, with same results.

I could track it down and note that it has an issue related to datapath and vlan setup.
In short, it only work when provision vlan is the same as mgmt vlan.

I guess I will reach out to support team, the day I became tired of trying resolve it by myself 🤣

Re: Adding new wAP AX to network and setting up CAPsMAN

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2024 9:03 pm
by holvoetn
I could track it down and note that it has an issue related to datapath and vlan setup.
In short, it only work when provision vlan is the same as mgmt vlan.
Cap AX and wAP AX are identical as far as vlan setup is concerned.
Only major difference is the swapping of radios, wifi1 and wifi2.

Best to create your own thread, post config and description if surrounding network environment.

Re: Adding new wAP AX to network and setting up CAPsMAN

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 2:20 pm
by kryllem
I could track it down and note that it has an issue related to datapath and vlan setup.
In short, it only work when provision vlan is the same as mgmt vlan.
Cap AX and wAP AX are identical as far as vlan setup is concerned.
Only major difference is the swapping of radios, wifi1 and wifi2.

Best to create your own thread, post config and description if surrounding network environment.

Silly me, I forgot to tag datapath vlans on the interface :lol:
Anyway, i noted that wAP AX offers 160mhz channel compared to cAP AX where there is "only" 80mhz.
Maybe its time for Mikrotik to release cAP AX v2 soon 8)

Re: Adding new wAP AX to network and setting up CAPsMAN

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2025 9:59 am
by ZoeMurray
Currently running a RB4011 (router/DHCP/DNS), hAP AX3 for wifi & a 3rd party WiFi AP..

Have just purchased a wAP AX to replace the 3rd party WiFi AP, so my wifi network will be served using wAP AX and hAP AX3.

Looking to setup CAPsMAN as part of this - with the key feature being able to roam my devices between both APs seamlessly...

i plan on using documentation ... er+CAPsMAN -- looks fairly straight forward, but before i start, i'm wondering if there's any gotchas or considerations i should make, particularly when my hAP AX3 is already setup as standalone AP... I also use several SSIDs, each with their own VLAN (that's already been configured on the hAP AX3)

CAPsMAN setup.png
Congratulations on the purchase, Is it working properly?