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DHCP Server setup without WAN

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2025 6:46 pm
by lomoser

I am trying to connect my hexPOE lite to a laptop and a security camera without connecting to the internet. I've tried setting up a bridge network, creating a dhcp server using that bridge, and putting the ports where the laptop and camera are connected onto that bridge network. The server will not hand out any leases and the gateway is not pingable on the laptop. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Re: DHCP Server setup without WAN

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2025 9:20 pm
by mkx
Post config of hEX PoE (execute /export in terminal window ...). Without seeing config it's not possible to say what's wrong.

Generally DHCP server doesn't care about availability of WAN.

Re: DHCP Server setup without WAN

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2025 11:15 pm
by pts0
Just avoid port ether1 that usually set as WAN in default config. All the other stuff should work without any issue.

Re: DHCP Server setup without WAN  [SOLVED]

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 6:13 pm
by lomoser
Thank you both for the replies for your suggestions. I perhaps jumped the gun on posting this to the forum as I was able to get it to work. My solution to the problem was

1. Reset the router with no default config
2. Create a bridge network and add all ports to the bridge
3. Assign IP address/24 to bridge interface
4. Create an I.P. address space for the network.
5. Create a DHCP server on the bridge.

After doing the steps listed above I was able to get the router to start handing out IP addresses. Thank you again for the replies.

EDIT: I changed step 3 to reflect mkx's suggestion below

Re: DHCP Server setup without WAN

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 6:49 pm
by mkx
Bullet #3 is completely unnecessary in your case. If DHCP client was to receive a lease (from another DHCP server in same ethernet network), then other devices, connected to bridged ports, would as well. Since you need DHCP server I'm assuming there is no other DHCP server available, so bullet #3 should instead read "assign IP address/24 to bridge interface".

Re: DHCP Server setup without WAN

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 9:11 pm
by lomoser
Bullet #3 is completely unnecessary in your case. If DHCP client was to receive a lease (from another DHCP server in same ethernet network), then other devices, connected to bridged ports, would as well. Since you need DHCP server I'm assuming there is no other DHCP server available, so bullet #3 should instead read "assign IP address/24 to bridge interface".
Thank you for your suggestion I've updated my initial reply with step 3 updated.