((This is for version 3.1))
This is an odd request and I hope someone has a solution.
I am sure it can be done with mangle and queues but i suck at those two so help!
Ok so my users log on by way of PPPoE ... I have different profiles set for the users.
So lets say I have profile1 with 5 users on it limited to modem speeds (53kbps).
My wan is a 1 meg connection.
lets say all those 5 profile1 users are logged in and browsing at their limited speeds. Can we set a burst of some way that ONLY web pages load faster than the set speed? So the web page (any html file) would load faster than the speed set by the profile giving the impression for faster web browsing even though their PPPoE speed is limited to 53kbps?
all other activities such as IM chatting / downloading and so on are limited to the profile speed set.
Please advise.