it doesnt seem to work though, we have a random problem of locking up RB333s right now, i have ping watchdog enabled, but the box hangs up, needs power cycle to restore it. if ping watchdog was in hardware, it would always be up or rebooting, these RB333s are totally hung, dead OS, no console response.
any thoughts?
Hmm what version are you running. we are running ROS 3.4 on a MT 333. IT has a similar problem I think it is related to the watchdog as well. Now in 3.5 they mention a pinging bug with an address of Does that mean any where in the address if a 12 exists than this could be a problem? Well we changed our watchdog address and cleared up some other problems on a remote BH.. So tonight will be the night to test the address theory. We were pinging an address of (to me that looks like two consecutive 12's) Any ways I changed my watchdog address that it was pinging and so far all is well. How this bug has occurred I may never know, but it was really frustrating because it was carrying a lot of bandwidth on our DS3 to our clients. Hopefully this is resolved if so I am not changed ROS for this RB333.
I hope this helps.