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Feature Request: Rate limit groups that work with Radius

Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:31 pm

We would like to set a radius att that defined a group that a number of users accounts are part of. This group will share the bandwidth assigned to the group.

Real World example:

usera, userb, and userc are in Apartment 1
userd, usere are in Apartment 2

Apartment 1 gets 512k/512k
Apartment 2 gets 1024k/1024k


Each user would have in Radius:
Rate-Limit-Group-ID = apartment-x
Rate-Limit-Group-Upload = x-bandwidth
Rate-Limit-Group-Download = x-bandwidth

If you need anymore input on this feature, just let me know.

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Rate-Limit for Group of Computers

Tue Feb 22, 2005 7:45 pm

I would like to second this request.

Thank you.

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Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:42 pm

I can see two solutions (or workarounds?) for this:

1. You can use different address pools for these appartments (differentiation: either with MikroTik-Group or with Framed-Pool) and later use IP address as a classifier for a manually installed queue tree. Note: this will work only for dhcp-pool method in 2.8, but in 2.9 it will always work.

2. You can create different login scripts (differentiation with MikroTik-Group) which will install mangle rules, and later use the marks put by these rules to classify traffic into manually installed tree queues. Note: this will work only in 2.9