What are you trying to accomplish. I have mine setup to resolve ip addresses from the dns name and the mac from the ip. That way if an ip address changes it automatically updates.
I try ti poll ping by DNS name.
If dns is resolv is failed ping is failed tool.
A dont kwon how acomplish it
WhatsUp gold have posibilility to poll by DNS or by IP.
A DNS server does not care and can not determine if a device is up.. its only job is to take name and give you ip address and then you can do anything you want with this ip address but that is not enough for you? I am confused.
I have the "setting", "Discover", "Name Preference" option set to "DNS,IP". However, my machines (all DHCP) keep getting re-discovered as new machines, or (worse) I get false readings on some machines because they have the IP address that used to belong to someone else. How do I fix this?
On the General tab for a device try setting DNS Lookup to Name to IP, and set the MAC Lookup to IP to MAC. I haven't seen any duplicates in a very long time with this setup.
Doing it this way allows the map object to just update without spawning a duplicate every time a change is detected. Makes life easier in the long run.