hello, thanks for your post
I apologize i was trying to answer a different post
- what is AS number
An over simplified explanation;
AS numbers are used to uniqely identify a routing policy or network.
BGP routers all have an AS number but this need not be unique for a bgp router, but rather unique for a network. If a router it talks to has the same AS number, then it's talking to a router internal on the same network (ibgp), if it's a different one it's an external one and hence treated differently. It's also used to help bgp routers discover loops. BGP is the common way of exporting your routes and importing other network routes. Often the BGP routers keep import the entire global routing tables.
-"CONFIGURING THE ISP ROUTERS" what settings for that???? what exactly? two isp must support that? and other than that all main frame routers from different company always configure each other routers for this purpose?
- what is LIR and how much we have to pay?
Local Internet Registrar. I suggest you hit
- what is GLOBAL ASN
For private networks you may use private AS numbers (64500 -> 65535).
For annoucing your networks onto the internet you often have to have a public AS number (below 64500) to uniqely identify your network.
- what is NULL ROUTE?
Usually on routers you can have extra flags to routes that make it possible to drop all traffic that follows the route.
Kinda like in policy-routing except in the ordinary routing table.
Example: / ip policy-routing rule add action=drop dst-address=
what I need is a CODE that can measure the average speed from two isp to each dest and categorize them
I would like that too, however i do not think it is very practical unless we want to spend all our available bandwidth optimizing our bandwidth (you would have to continously pull/push traffic to actually test it, not just guess). How about you use traffic accounting and see which networks are often used and spend time optimizing paths for those?