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Winbox suggestions

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 6:08 am
by pedja
It would be nice if we can have somw window that would show us exact commands that winbox sends to MT and also MT repsonces, as some kind of log. It would be very helpful to becaome familiar with console commands.

I dream of having this kind of monitoring:

window is spilt into two panels horizontaly. Upper panel shows list of active clients (by ip address for example), their current upload and download speed and current upload and download traffic in bytes. Lower panel shows active connections for user selected in upper panel.

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 8:24 am
by wildbill442
get MRTG/rrdtool, you can graph virtually anything and design the website to show you the info you want.

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 11:32 am
by stephenpatrick
Hi Pedja,

What you are asking for is somewhere inbetween the live views of either Winbox or our RadioManager, or the historic views of MRTG or our GraphManager.

Having a list of users/connections & traffic on-screen - anyone else want/need that?
Could add that to our roadmap if people interested ...


(FYI our current tools) ... anager.png

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 8:20 pm
by pedja
I need live information, that's why I suggested addon in WinBox. As I can see what i need is just improvement of IP / Firewall / Connections to show sumary for each local IP and allow filtering by specific IP.

The same thing may be done in Traffic Counter.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 2:35 am
by pedja
I found out that Torch can show me most of the info I need but it is stil not even close to confortable way to qickly find problematic connections.

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 10:43 am
by futureraju
I found out that Torch can show me most of the info I need but it is stil not even close to confortable way to qickly find problematic connections.
I agree with u. I also need this option to find out problamatic connections.