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Routing traffic between 2 DSL connections based on dest. IP

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 2:05 pm
by dvs
Now here is something that I recon a few people will find interesting to work thru. Also, any body in my country will go crazy with joy if this is simple and possible to do...

Our ISP's provide Internet access based on the amount of data that you want to access.
Though there are many many various packages, for this question's purposes you need to know the following:
You can purchase data cap according to two types of connections == that is "Local" and "International" traffic - local being any IP's that are allocated to our country and International is any IP's (including local). The cost for local traffic is less than a third of International cap pricing just in case you start wondering why I want to do this.

Now, when you pay for International traffic it includes your local traffic usage so you are paying three times it's true value...but what if I could force my users to use local cap when accessing local sites (80% of the time) and only utilise the EXPENSIVE International internet connection when they are connecting to international IP's.

It means I can save a lot on costs. So here is a drawing:
        	/ \
	      /     \
	    /         \
	  /             \
	 ether2         ether3
	PPPoE Int.    PPPoE Local
	 l                 l
	 l                 l
	l DSL Router with    l
	l PPPoE pass through l
	 l                 l
	 l                 l
     .com/.eu          Any local sites
     .au/.tw           with our country's
     International     IP range
     sites / IP's
So it basically comes down to this - I want to split local Internet traffic and international Internet traffic between two PPPoE connections.

The trouble comes in where the two PPPoE connections have different gateway addresses. I have thought of using address lists and firewall rules to mark connections and packets and according to that assign it to a route. Does this sound even remotely on the right track...?

What do you guy's think could be a way of doing this...?
I know this is going to take some time (all good things do) and I would love to hear about any input on the matter.

Thanks and I hope this will tingle your soft spots :P

Re: Routing traffic between 2 DSL connections based on dest. IP

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 12:26 pm
by shawnsmith
Hey ,

Did you ever find a solution ?

Im looking at two senarios here, first would be to import address lists and route accordingly, and the other would be to test via one gateway and if sucsesfull , then add the destination to a corresponding " international" or "local" address list. this way you are sure to get a 100% correct routing.

Anyone have any idea how to pull the second option off ?

Re: Routing traffic between 2 DSL connections based on dest. IP

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:16 pm
by galaxynet
dvs -
Yes - it is possible.

Using lists works perfectly well in policy routing. As you surmised - using mangle to mark packets / connections and then adding a routing mark is the way to go. Your single greatest issue will be getting the IP list for your country....

I am pretty sure IANA has a list of what goes where - so really it is just a matter of a little detective work on your part.


Re: Routing traffic between 2 DSL connections based on dest. IP

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 5:18 pm
by dvs
Any tips as to where to start my "detective work"...?

I've got as far as having a list of IP's...hehe it's a start :)

I'm almost certain I could get as far as setting up connection names and so - I'm not sure though if I will do it correctly. I wouldn't know where to pass thru and when to stop.

The routing part I will have difficulty with I'm sure.

Any tips on these area's?

Re: Routing traffic between 2 DSL connections based on dest. IP

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 3:32 pm
by shaunw
Hi Did you ever solve the problem as Iowuld be gratefull for the solution.
Thanks and Regards