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concurrent wireless connection question

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 3:28 pm
by Th3_Ghost
Can anyone tell me how many active concurrent wireless connections are possible? Scenario is 1 AP and how much CPE depending on settings .Data transfer will be very small about 512 kilobytes.

Re: concurrent wireless connection question

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:43 pm
by expunge
Theoretically, 2007 connections. Realistically, your hardware would limit that far before you reached the connection limit. A little more info into what you are trying to do would be useful as well as the hardware but if we said you were putting up an AP and you had enough bandwidth to distribute 512 to each client concurrently, an RB333 is capable of about 25-30 mbit on a single radio so roughly 60 clients concurrent would max out the radio. One again, that is just doing the math, realisticailly, you would only want to run about half that number to see the full throughput to each client, but once again, there is almost no scenario where you would be running all of them concurrently so you could double it up again.

Long answer short, I would suggest you service no more than 50 clients per single radio with an RB333 or equiv hardware. Since the RB333 has 3 miniPCI, you could handle 150 clients max on an RB333 with 512K to each client and be comfortable. More specifics on what you are actually wanting, i.e. concurrent, how much bandwidth are you distributing, etc.


Re: concurrent wireless connection question

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:24 am
by nemecio
but if we said you were putting up an AP and you had enough bandwidth to distribute 512 to each client concurrently, an RB333 is capable of about 25-30 mbit on a single radio so roughly 60 clients concurrent would max out the radio.

Long answer short, I would suggest you service no more than 50 clients per single radio with an RB333 or equiv hardware. Since the RB333 has 3 miniPCI, you could handle 150 clients max on an RB333 with 512K to each client and be comfortable.

Hi Tony!

:shock: That was a question i have been longing to ask for a while now... but with a much smalle rpiece of equipment...

I have a RB133 working as AP/Bridge with omni antenna and letting my Intel based hotspot handle auth and heavy procesing....

How many clients you think i should be able to serve with this only radio?

Same scenario as before no more than 512kbps per client.

Saludos from Mexico.

Re: concurrent wireless connection question

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 8:07 pm
by expunge

Well, based on the data in this document. I would suggest that the RB133 can be considered about 20% as fast of a board as the RB333. It seems to do about 20% the throughput at 64 byte packets and doesn't attain a a max out at any speed. This is just looking at bridge with no other features enabled. If you are firewalling or anything like that, expect even a lower number.

I personally wouldn't suggest using the 133 as an AP for very many clients. 10-20 max. As always, you won't have all clients running full speed at the same time, but.... These numbers are just based on my experiences and some rough math based on how I think the 133 compares to the 333. It would be great if fellow MT users could get together and give some results of CPU usage, throughput, etc on different boards but I haven't seen anything like that yet.

Re: concurrent wireless connection question

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:22 am
by jwcn
133 will start having problems after 13 customers.