I have not been able to get things to work using UDP at all.
In the past, using TCP and OpenVPN has been slow and prone to timeout issues, and switching to UDP has worked before for me, I would just like to use MT as the server instead of setting up another Linux box just to use as a server.
I have been making attempts at this since 3.0 came out, and have visited the wiki entry many times trying to get this to work. Is UDP for OpenVPN not working for anyone or is it just me and my configs?
My desired setup is as follows:
Mikrotik RB532A as the OpenVPN Server
Certificates are in place (ca.crt, server.key, server.crt)
Code: Select all
[admin@CLYAMRRT01] /interface ovpn-server server> pr
enabled: yes
port: 1194
mode: ethernet
netmask: 24
mac-address: FE:8E:C2:D1:1B:80
max-mtu: 1500
keepalive-timeout: 60
default-profile: amr
certificate: cert2
require-client-certificate: no
auth: sha1
cipher: blowfish128
My Windows Client running OpenVPN GUI
Code: Select all
remote xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 1194
proto tcp-client
dev tap
resolv-retry infinite
ping 15
ping-restart 45
ca ca.crt
cert server.crt
key server.key
cipher bf-cbc
verb 3