I am still having problems with Mikrotik used as router (just betwen my backbone, that cames from a Telco, and my internal network). My layout is just like this:
Let me explain about the enviroment:
- Internet: this is, for my tests, a linux box running CentOS v5.1 with VSFTPD and Apache installed so I can get files from there (download using ftp and http) and send files to it (using ftp). This is my "fake" internet so I can get full bandwidht with this connection. The server has 1 ethernet 10/100 Mbps (D-Link DFE-102)
- Router: this is a Mikrotik system. In the first two tests I used RouterBoard (RB150 and RB333) and in the last test I made this using an IBM PC (Asus TUSI-M, Intel Pentium III 1,13 Ghz, 512 Mb RAM DIMM PC133). In RouterBoards I used RouterOS v3.7 and into the PC I used RouterOS v2.9.48
- Clients: This is my laptop emulating a cliente getting info from the internet (download from linux box Apache/VSFTPD) and uploading using FTP
Tests using RB150 + RouterOS v3.7
So for this tests I have a RouterBoard RB150 (http://www.routerboard.com/comparison.html) and RouterOS v3.7. I have put a file (around 200 Mb size) into the server and I am getting this file from there using HTTP. In the same time I am trying to put a file (around 250 Mb size) into the server using FTP. This is what I get:
I get almost all bandwidht alocated to download process and upload get only 500~600 Kbps. So I have canceled download process and this is what happens:
All bandwidht comes to upload.
As you can see I am not getting upload/download usage as it should be. I have an export os my RB150 configuration file (this is at the end of this post).
What do I want to do is if a client wants to make upload an download using ethernet 10/100 Mbps it should get 6 Mbps for each side, simultaneously. Not for a side and later for another.
Tests using RB333 + RouterOS v3.7
In another post about this problem I founded out that it could be CPU overcapacity problem. So I have a RB333 RouterBoard and tested the same thing:
Here I am downloading (http) and uploading at the same time.
Here I have canceled download and let just upload (ftp).
So my CPU problem is solved (at least where I can see it) and the problem continues.
Tests using IBM PC + RouterOS v2.9.48
For my final test I have instaled RouterOS demo version v2.9.48 and tested the same layout. First I have made a test without any kind of filters to see how much bandwidth I could get:
I can get up to 35 Mbps each side so, I presume, its perfectly ok.
Now I have made the same Queue as I have done before:
Here I am downloading and uploading at the same time (same problem as I get into RouterBoard).
And here I have canceled my download.
Conclusions and questions:
I could not understand what happened here. I need to make a QoS system to run into Mikrotik before my local network but I need to get at least 6 Mbps for download at the same time as I get 6 Mbps for my upload (my backbone will have this much capacity).
So, how can I do this? Is there any configuration problem? Could it still be related to CPU usage? Or memory usage?
Waiting for any help...
PS.: I have made a cross-post into under-linux.org (Brazil) and Routerboard forums.
Nataniel Klug
Cyber Nett
Laranjeiras do Sul - PR - Brazil
http://www.cnett.com.br/nata/mikrotik/c ... _rb150.txt
http://www.cnett.com.br/nata/mikrotik/c ... _rb333.txt
http://www.cnett.com.br/nata/mikrotik/c ... iumIII.txt