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Kill Canopys
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 7:01 am
I would something to kill Canopys.......
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 1:25 pm
by Equis
Are you having a bad day?
What happend?
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 10:08 pm
by gustkiller
canopy is a inteference beast, its work on very noise envirourment and make anything closer to them to die..
but they are excelente radios! on noise.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 11:46 pm
by Equis
How close?
On all channels?
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 12:05 am
by jwcn
Doesn't matter. That is the wonderful part about it. Canopy eats 802.11 signals and spits them back out. They will take you down!
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 12:23 am
by Equis
Does the canopy get affected by our stuff or work fine in noisy enviroment?
Thast a worry...
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 1:20 am
by jwcn
There is a way that appears to eliminate the problem. If you are running Nstream with CSMA disable it can coexist much better.
Remember 802.11 products were designed as an indoor solution. Canopy was designed from the ground up to be an outdoor system and subsequently deals with noisy enviroments much better.
There are a few things to remember:
1. Most Canopy runs Vertically. That is how it is designed. Unless the ISP is using after-market alterations such as Cyclone 5ghz and 2.4ghz is vertical. Always use HPOL antennas when trying to coexist.
2. Run Nstream with CSMA disabled whenever possible.
3. If running on the same tower get as much spacing as possible.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 4:15 am
by jordantrx
Doesn't matter. That is the wonderful part about it. Canopy eats 802.11 signals and spits them back out. They will take you down!
I have my 2.4ghz AP .5 miles away from alll canopy WISP 900mhz 5.8 2.4ghz everything you could think of backhauls and all.... No problems so far... So its not eating me.. -Jordan
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 4:27 am
by jwcn
Hard time believing that. You're sure they are operating on 2.4 as are you?
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 7:05 am
by webformix
I feel you!
Another ISP recently decided to throw up a bunch of 2.4ghz Canopy gear, onto a site that we've been running 2.4ghz Tranzeo for a few years now. We started noticing latency issues, and lots of random dropped packets. We've been trying to work with him and co-exist peacefully, but he refuses to play nice, and at this point I think he's just trying to destroy our customer base so he can steal them.
I've been begging Mikrotik staff to make the CSMA disable feature available outside of nstream. Technically, any newer Atheros chipset, like the ones used on Ubiquity SR2/XR2 cards support this feature at the HAL. There's no reason that nstream needs to be used in order for one to get use out of this feature. For this site, we'll probably be moving to OSWAVE due to the fact you can supposedly disable CSMA without having to use any proprietary features.
Even though the clients won't support nstream, the AP's I think will see a performance improvement, and overall things will operate better; and he'll have much more pain if he decides to move onto the channels we're using.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 7:14 am
by jcremin
Are they on the same tower/building as you? Whenever possible, when we rent space, we make sure our agreement says that when we add equipment, we promise not to interfere with any existing equipment and when any new companies rent space or even if any existing companies put new equipment on the tower, that they promise not to interfere with what was already on there.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 7:33 am
by webformix
We usually do the same, that is make sure we're in good with the tower owner so more equipment won't be put up that might interfere.... unfortunately, there are many towers on this site, so they just threw their stuff up on a near by tower (100m away). We tried to talk to the tower owner, but they really didn't care as it was an unlicensed band. They actually suggested that we move to Canopy.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 7:40 am
by jwcn
Good suggestion
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 9:30 am
by Equis
With respect to Mikrotik.
I find that nstreame is not good in high rf area's, many disconnects.
So having disable CMSA and nstreame is not really helping in my area.
How I work.
Low noise area 2.4G mode with nstreame
more noise 2g 10mhz no nstreme
really noise area 2.4B no nstream
I also wish for disable CMSA with no nstreame (also bursting and fast frames with no nstream)
It seems to be that polling that makes my nstreame fast (and unstable) even on ptp links
in rf quiet are nstreame is awsome, it can double speed.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 3:52 pm
by jordantrx
Hard time believing that. You're sure they are operating on 2.4 as are you?
Yes im sure i talked to one of the Installers for there wisp, they run on all frequencys. You can also see the omni's he has on the tower. I also can pick up there 2.4ghz SSID of 2.4ghz. It is funny that i am not affected as the rest are... Im using an Rb133 with an Sr2 with a 15 dbi comet antenna.... I mite be a bit higher than them though. But they are STRICKTLY Canopy, They lease there equipment... Noise floor on 2.4ghz is 98-103... Most of my clients signals are in the 69-78's with 2 being in the 80-85 (2 miles away not clear freznel zone and not high enough power equipment).
However one question that i do have is what are the problems you encounter with Canopy equipment? What should i Look for as far as problems.. interference etc etc... That way i know what to look for if it does become a problem for me. -Jordan
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 3:56 pm
by jordantrx
Good suggestion
Sell your home to get there equipment too...
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 4:29 pm
by jp
Canopy isn't all that expensive for modest quantities of subscriber equipment. I'd suggest avoiding 2.4 p2mp altogether.
We don't use it because it's getting outdated in the 900mhz range and it can't hold a candle to Alvarion in the 5ghz range. I'm more concerned about spectrum efficiency, speed, sensitivity, and reliability than cost. Cost is still important though.
Different brands of equipment at the same site on the same frequencies will interfere with each other. The same brands will too if not setup in a cooperative manner. Tell the other 2.4 operator you will get some canopy too, and you need to configure it in a manner that's compatible with theirs. If they don't cooperate, remind them it's a fast path of mutually assured destruction as far as usefulness of 2.4
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 5:17 pm
by jordantrx
Canopy isn't all that expensive for modest quantities of subscriber equipment. I'd suggest avoiding 2.4 p2mp altogether.
We don't use it because it's getting outdated in the 900mhz range and it can't hold a candle to Alvarion in the 5ghz range. I'm more concerned about spectrum efficiency, speed, sensitivity, and reliability than cost. Cost is still important though.
Different brands of equipment at the same site on the same frequencies will interfere with each other. The same brands will too if not setup in a cooperative manner. Tell the other 2.4 operator you will get some canopy too, and you need to configure it in a manner that's compatible with theirs. If they don't cooperate, remind them it's a fast path of mutually assured destruction as far as usefulness of 2.4
Wonder if using a directional antenna and pointing it right toard there AP with a High power canopy unit set to the same settings as there would do anything...
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 5:21 pm
by jwcn
I'm assuming you're talking about the 5ghz VL's? I thought Canopy Advantage was comparable?
The bad thing with mixing 802.11 and Canopy is you don't see the effect in noise floor or signal but in throughput and latency from my experience.
I installed some old BAII FHSS gear at my house to distribute through my community. I set it to hop across the entire spectrum. The next day my neighbors were all complaining because their wireless routers kept locking up.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 11:37 pm
by gustkiller
we here have a canopy only network, with a lot of advantage sm in 5.7 and 5.4ghz and a month ago we tried to deploy the alvarion VL Gear and it was a total mess, the alvarion gear cold live up with the interference as canopy does, and worked a worse than a standard 802.11a gear, with interference it dont work, we tried all kind of channels, and advanced configurations , even alvarion certified ppl could not manage to get it work in our city, so we had to stay with the canopy.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 2:56 pm
by tgrand
Disabled CSMA can only work with a polling technique.
NStream is a polling method.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 3:34 pm
by jwcn
Nstream **has** a polling method. Are you certain it requires it to work?
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 12:39 am
by BrianHiggins
tgrand was responding to the comment that webformix made farther up asking for csma support outside of nstream.
CSMA is the media access controller (MAC) for 802.11, and cannot operate without it unless it is replaced by another MAC. NStream + Polling = MAC, therefore when polling is disabled, CSMA is no longer necessary.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:17 pm
by ncrossley
Maybe will start a site on this as Canopy is a major thorn in the side of the real WISP!
What everyone think?
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 9:26 am
by JJCinAZ
So WISP's using Canopy are not "real WISP's"? What's that about?
When we researching products to build our network, we kept hearing comments from other vendors and their customers to the effect, "everything worked fine until someone put Canopy up." I can't tell you how many vendors said this. We concluded that we had better be the ones putting Canopy up. After six years, I can tell you that Motorola's user interface is weak, their authentication system is poor, and they can't write an element management system to save their life; but, their radios are great and their GPS synchronization system works wonders. As far as PTMP goes, if you can't beat-em, join-em.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 4:10 pm
by jwcn
Agreed. We only use 802.11 based in developments. All our towers roll with Canopy and Alvarion for multipoint.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:26 pm
by ncrossley
Initial design on Canopy Killer 1.0 underway.
Website soon to come.
Keep Tuned!
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:39 pm
by gustkiller
Initial design on Canopy Killer 1.0 underway.
Website soon to come.
Keep Tuned!
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 2:57 am
by ncrossley
Initial Info for Canopy Killer 1.0
Focus mainly on 900mhz SM at current time.
Utilizing Every day technology with a little creativity.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 3:34 am
by jordantrx
Initial Info for Canopy Killer 1.0
Focus mainly on 900mhz SM at current time.
Utilizing Every day technology with a little creativity.
So like what are you trying to do take down a Canopy AP or backhaul unit? Could come in handy if Canopy does that with your equipment....
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 3:45 am
by ncrossley
trying to break their oh so wonderful noise immunity with some noise
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 4:03 am
by Equis
I don't like the idea of causing another wisp problems no matter what the reason.
My vote is to improve mikrotik so it can handle noise like canopy.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 3:45 pm
by jordantrx
I don't like the idea of causing another wisp problems no matter what the reason.
My vote is to improve mikrotik so it can handle noise like canopy.
That sure would be nice and i give that my vote aswell.
However i dissagree on giving another wisp trouble if there giving you trouble and you try to work with them to find the correct frequencys that do not interfere and they blow you off. Its per person's opinion... I havent had any troubles with Canopy yet so.... Go Mikrotik
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:39 pm
by ncrossley
Mikrotik wouldn't be the solution you would need your radio manuf. to build better radios that have more noise immunity.
Also note if you contact Canopy looking to buy their product they will tell you straight up, if you want to cause other WISP's not utilizing Canopy problems. Then buy their product, they know what it does and it does it very well. This is from experience buying that product
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:43 pm
by cwoodall
Guys, I deal with Canopy's all day long everyday. I hate them damn things. Yes they are good at making a lot of noise. But, I am on a water tower and I am coexisting with them just fine. The 900mhz system I know for a fact won't do anything against my 2.4ghz equipment but, the 2.4 ghz canopy equipment will not affect my signal strength but will destroy my quality. My only option I could find was changing over to the 10mhz and the 5mhz bands on 2.4. The signal in my area from my equipment seemed to be at least three times better but what was amazing was the quality of the signal. All of my clients connected run at least a 80% or better on TX/Rx. Another thing is your backhaul on 5.8ghz. May have to change them to 10mhz or 5mhz because the canopy seems to affect your signal level but not your quality. Or at least on my system that is. Weird things happen. Need any more information just give me a shout. Turning on Nstreme and disabiling or enabling csma didn't help anything at all. Actually made it worse in my opinion.
chris [at] compnetisp dot com
Edit: Another thing, you can push those canopys to one channel if your good enough. May take a little extra power. I use 400mw cards with 17.5 db horizontal sectors.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:44 pm
by jwcn
I concur
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:10 pm
by ejansson
Canapoys noise rejection is great, but it is partly based on a low level modulation and wide bandwidth. That's why you can only get 2-3mb at 900mhz with a 8mhz channel and only 7m on 2 and 5 ghz with a 20 mhz channel. As more bandwidth is needed/delivered the next gen canopies noise rejection will decrease.. as the modulation must increase to supply more through put. The sat sync is also nice but pretty much is a requirement do the poor filtering and antenna design. A few years ago I spoke with a canopy user that was all hyped about his 2.4 gear and how the (60 sector) AP could be seen like 5 miles BEHIND the the unit, and he thought that was great!.... NOT!... The trouble is most (not all) canopy people get it because it will step on other stuff and work and they have the same screw you attitude too. It is the poor attitude of both some users and MOTO that bug me the most. It has to be a cooperative effort for things to work... or as mentioned it will M.A.D of all usable bandwidth.
Using Nstreme can help prevent a canopy setting up on your freq to start with as their scan will see the polling transmits. If only 802 is used and traffic is low they will only see a nice piece of quite spectrum.
To cause a canopy problems or defend against them: Use Nstreme, but set the framing to none and go with a smaller packet (you will loose some data through put) 512k or lower. Keep you distances shorter and your RSSI up. This works pretty well. If all hell breaks loose a high gain antenna and the alignment tool should do the trick
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:25 am
by ghmorris
Good ideas. Where would you set the packet size smaller?
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 4:56 am
by ginovilla
Edit: Another thing, you can push those canopys to one channel if your good enough. May take a little extra power. I use 400mw cards with 17.5 db horizontal sectors.
going above eirp, arent we?
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 5:09 pm
by ejansson
Hi Geroge,
I have set the packet size under the MTU, on General tab. As it is the AP that is most effected, doing it on the client side (ap rx) seems to help the most, but I have played with both directions at various times. I have also had some success with running nstreme with no framing and 1500 packet size all the way down to 128k, Kills the trough put and is not a perfect solution but it can provide some level of service, rather than loosing the connection totally. Depending on the area and interference, going to a wide channel can help some too. Spread Spectrum will often get data through "in between" the interference.......But using the entire 20mhz with small packets and nstreme will generate a lot of calls from pissed offed competitors.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:14 pm
by ghmorris
Thanks Eric. Phone calls from pissed off competitors would be music to my ears. I'm going to try some of your ideas...
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 11:26 pm
by ghmorris
Interesting that jwcn is cruising both sides of the street. Not a surprise really, considering his posting history, but mildly interesting none the less. ... php?t=5389
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 4:53 am
by jwcn
I've just been to the school of hard knocks many times.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 7:02 am
by tjohnson
Canopy requires a $1,500 AP and $220 SM's to get 7Mbps (total aggregate). With Mikrotik I am using $400 AP's (including antenna) and $175 CPE and I am getting 20Mbps.
I don't have to play Motorola's licensing games, buy a "management" system, use GPS sync (more cost) or anything else. I've had Mikrotik links up for more than 3 years (continuous) and now have over 600 ptmp users running without a problem.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 4:07 pm
by jwcn
I don't believe this to be the correct venue to have this discussion.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:51 am
by jwcn
How do you use a smaller packet size? Change the MTU or change the Framer Limit?
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 10:20 pm
by JR
small mtu here:
thanks to Eric for the initial post, don't quit now!
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 10:28 pm
by JR
Back to the [Post Subject].
How long can you run a card in alignment mode with max power?
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:10 pm
by ghmorris
I'd like to continue to explore the idea of framer limit. Anyone done this? Could we put in a small framer limit, maybe 600k, and make it work rather than have to change the MTU size?
Unfortunately, sometimes establishing a negotiating position with interferers requires something more than tact and diplomacy... Some Canopy operators like to bully everyone else.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:12 pm
by ghmorris
Back to the subject.
How long can you run a card in alignment mode with max power?
Probably depends on the card, but with quality hardware you can do it for as long as you need to for a successful alignment.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:20 pm
by ghmorris
I don't believe this to be the correct venue to have this discussion.
Perhaps the Motowi4 Community is a more comfortable place for you to run down MikroTik?
Author: jwcn Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 12:40 pm Post subject:
I think they're just jealous. Mikrotik has its place - I use it for my core router and mini-pops. It also works well for Hotspots. Also works for a cheap backhaul solution. Other than that Canopy and Alvarion are the only real multi-point solutions.
Y'all just let us know what you feel is reasonable... Wouldn't want to knock you off your pace or anything! ... php?t=5389
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 4:39 am
by jwcn
I have made it no secret that I don't deploy any new Mikrotik for wireless deployments. I utilize Mikrotik for all my routing. The Motorola forum is not moderated at all so yes, I can speak freely there. That doesn't stop me from helping other 'tik users and staying up on things. Flaming me for my practices is childish at best.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 6:12 am
by ghmorris
You are so funny. I don't have to flame you, and don't.
I just have to quote you. And do.
The reality is that MikroTik reflects the future, with high efficiency per Hertz and almost endless flexibility. Canopy reflects the lowest efficiency per Hertz and wins the race to the bottom while killing any more efficient radios around it. Canopy as the least efficient radio wins and drowns out anything better. The fact that you list Alvarion and Canopy as the only viable PtMP solutions in the same sentence is telling, as they have very little in common in their newer iterations. However, if you believe Canopy to be the way forward, what are you doing here?
You do drive by postings here to bring your ratings up. Less than ten word postings with no content is your norm.
Pointing out your childish and hypocritical practices WRT Canopy is reasonable, and the fact you try so earnestly to play both sides of the street is both telling and insulting to the vast majority of us that try to contribute something useful.
If you want to pick sides, as you apparently do from your accurately quoted posts, pick one, work with it and get off your horse. No one likes a tattle-tale which accurately reflects your behavior so far.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 6:58 am
by ginovilla
Canopy reflects the lowest efficiency per Hertz and wins the race to the bottom while killing any more efficient radios around it.
George, I would like to update you on this topic, since the new Canopy 400 system is very frequency efficient, more than any other 11a based solution. it provides 21 Mbps Data in a 10 mhz channel. Its OFDM based and also its GPS sync. You can populate a 4 sector pop just with 20 mhz ... I dont belive there is any other solution like this on the market.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:09 am
by ghmorris
Cool!! Sounds a lot like the efficiencies you are purported to be able to achieve with WiMAX. Is this available in 900?
900 is my biggest beef. Only 3 channels from the current Canopy gear to the best of my knowledge, coupled with very low throughput per channel. But the low efficiency is very good at drowning out anything in the surrounding area, regardless of manufacturer.
I suspect that NovaRoam, Micropath and a few others that employ very few bits per Hertz would fry a Canopy, but have no direct experience.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 3:48 pm
by jwcn
Correct, three non-overlapping channels. Best throughput I've seen in real life is 3.4megs down 1.2 up. With GPS sync you can run 6 sectors on the same tower. I believe that to be frequency efficient. Alvarion is better in regards to frequency efficiency however the throughput is much less. I successfully run four sectors on identical frequencies with Alvarion on the same tower.
Enabling WISP's to co-exist should be the focus, not the annihilation of a certain product. I've tested the N Stream solution mentioned here. It works well for co-existence, Canopy didn't notice the difference nor did it seem to have a negative effect on its operation.
My beef with 802.11 based equipment is based on the following experiences:
1. Customers in the finance industry will not become customers if the equipment is 802.11 based.
2. Prior to deploying Motorola and Alvarion equipment, during the lightening season, I was replacing 802.11 based equipment on a daily basis regardless of grounding and surge surpression methods. In the past three years I have yet to replace even one Motorola radio or access point. To date, I've had to replace two Alvarion radios. Yesterday I had to replace six 802.11 devices (Mix of Tranzeo and 133c clients)
3. My closest competitor uses almost exclusively Canopy, here it is a matter of survival. Why waste money on an 802.11 deployment to have everyone disconnect the moment someone fires Canopy or Alvarion up?
4. With Alvarion I can run 900 links at -90 with no dropouts or customer complaints. Canopy at -84.
5. Check out this topic: ... lit=trango
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:18 pm
by doush
Correct, three non-overlapping channels. Best throughput I've seen in real life is 3.4megs down 1.2 up. With GPS sync you can run 6 sectors on the same tower. I believe that to be frequency efficient. Alvarion is better in regards to frequency efficiency however the throughput is much less. I successfully run four sectors on identical frequencies with Alvarion on the same tower.
Enabling WISP's to co-exist should be the focus, not the annihilation of a certain product. I've tested the N Stream solution mentioned here. It works well for co-existence, Canopy didn't notice the difference nor did it seem to have a negative effect on its operation.
My beef with 802.11 based equipment is based on the following experiences:
1. Customers in the finance industry will not become customers if the equipment is 802.11 based.
2. Prior to deploying Motorola and Alvarion equipment, during the lightening season, I was replacing 802.11 based equipment on a daily basis regardless of grounding and surge surpression methods. In the past three years I have yet to replace even one Motorola radio or access point. To date, I've had to replace two Alvarion radios. Yesterday I had to replace six 802.11 devices (Mix of Tranzeo and 133c clients)
3. My closest competitor uses almost exclusively Canopy, here it is a matter of survival. Why waste money on an 802.11 deployment to have everyone disconnect the moment someone fires Canopy or Alvarion up?
4. With Alvarion I can run 900 links at -90 with no dropouts or customer complaints. Canopy at -84.
5. Check out this topic: ... lit=trango
using open standards should be the focus. I dont want to stuck either to MT(Nstreme) nor to Motorola for the future of my business.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:29 pm
by jwcn
I agree. I wish some of the programming type people (which I am not) would look at making a third part software like Mikrotik that will run on the Motorola and Alvarion hardware platforms...
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 2:30 pm
by tgrand
Problem with open source, is just that; OPEN.
Companies like motorola can develop polling methods to chew through any open source polling methods.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:14 pm
by janisk
IMO the problem with open source projects is that they are trying to make tolerant products, that would not crash anything around them, but coexist together. If you look at projects you see, that this is major trend. whilst most of commercial products do tend to do just the opposite (Canopy in this case is good example of doing so).
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:59 pm
by jwcn
I would have to agree with that.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:54 am
by ncrossley
I finally have more time to get back to this issue, will be working on a tool to bring Canopy to it's knees. Motorola is a major thorn in my side and I WILL NOT PLAY NICE.
Sorry it took so long to post back.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:19 pm
by ghmorris
I finally have more time to get back to this issue, will be working on a tool to bring Canopy to it's knees. Motorola is a major thorn in my side and I WILL NOT PLAY NICE.
Sorry it took so long to post back.
Glad to see you back!!
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:14 am
by doush
I finally have more time to get back to this issue, will be working on a tool to bring Canopy to it's knees. Motorola is a major thorn in my side and I WILL NOT PLAY NICE.
Sorry it took so long to post back.
get yourself a rf jammer and suicide honoroubly
(by taking down your competitor too)
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:07 am
by Equis
Why would you want to hurt someone else's business?
Be honest, what would you do if you were the canopy competitor in question, shut off all your Canopy? I think not.
Your best option in my opinion is to use Canopy yourself, then you both can be happy.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:09 am
by normis
better solution
try to sell them some mikrotik gear
they will end up saving money, and both will be happy.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:52 pm
by Equis
better solution
try to sell them some mikrotik gear
The canopy guys love Mikrotik, I think most of the would have a Mikrotik router sitting at the tower anyway, or doing the backhaul
They complement each other.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 6:36 pm
by ojsa
Strange, i have a tower full with 5,4 and 5,7 Canopy together with mikrotik in the same freq. range.
And it works like a charm.
Canopy uses 20mhz channels like other equipment, and as long as you have control on your envirement it should not be a problem.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 1:29 pm
by Equis
I have 2.4 Mikrotik and 2.4 Canopy on the same tower.
Its interesting, they both work fine,
When the Moto starts hammering the Mikrotik will slow down but stays connected just fine.
Re: Kill Canopys
Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 10:29 am
by omega-00
If all else fails and you're game to uh, explore your options you could always build one of these. (self-tuning portable RF jammer)