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WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 3:17 pm
by ilius168
I wonder if someone ever notice that it is somehow difficult to use winbox on any crt lower resolution screen than 1024x768.
for example: Tools menu, i am unable to find netwatch because of its location place right on the bottom of the screen. the last submenu from tools is pingspeed, can't see the rest of the tools' sub menu...
Or is it only me?

Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 4:58 am
by ilius168
.. especially for v3 ROS with full packages installed..... the main menu seems to be more than v2.9... can see the submenu (from TOOLS or SYSTEMS ....) even with big screen....
any comment mikrotikers?
EDIT: I'm Using WINBOX v. 2.13
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 5:52 am
by iam8up
I don't mean to be rude or anything but...come on...less then 1024x768? If you're on that old of a monitor you need to learn the command line as you video card may overheat from the Winbox visuals =P
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 6:26 am
by ilius168
I expect WINBOX should not force user to use big screen right?
imagine you have a space in the rack that's only fit a 14inch monitor
if everyone have to fully learned command line, the what's the use of winbox? .....come on.....
it should be easily fixed, just move the submenu to the centre of the screen, instead of the location of submenu starts from the main menu....
just an input.....
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 1:56 pm
by normis
I expect WINBOX should not force user to use big screen right?
imagine you have a space in the rack that's only fit a 14inch monitor
if everyone have to fully learned command line, the what's the use of winbox? .....come on.....
it should be easily fixed, just move the submenu to the centre of the screen, instead of the location of submenu starts from the main menu....
just an input.....
It's been ages since I have seen a monitor that doesn't support 800x600

There are tons of small sized LCDs that will work in a rack
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:52 pm
by TrAkAtRaN
We need to used Winbox in a Acer Aspire One Netbook to connect, but the max resolution is 1024x600. It's possible to solved that?
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:56 pm
by normis
this image is taken on a 1024x600px screen. As you can see, winbox fits entirely on this screen
what problem are you talking about?
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:54 pm
by TrAkAtRaN
Try to open Tools and access to Netwatch. It's out of the screen.
Edit: Attach a screenshot
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:57 am
by ilius168
exactly the problem i'm having with winbox.....
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:49 am
by normis
filed as bug, will fix
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:42 am
by omidkosari
please fix this one also . the resolution is 1200x800 .
a scrollbar may solve the problem
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:55 am
by normis
are you sure you need so many packet marks in one rule? try using the console for this kind of idea

Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:06 pm
by omidkosari
are you sure you need so many packet marks in one rule?
as you see this is my "ALL" queue which is parent of all other queues and i can not use the default parent because of complexity of my network .
try using the console for this kind of idea

i already do this for years but i just wanted to inform you . just adding a scrollbar when needed is not so hard

Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:57 pm
by normis
why do you need so many marks if you can just specify your network as target? currently I don't see any reason for so many marks ...
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:05 pm
by jorj
why do you need so many marks if you can just specify your network as target? currently I don't see any reason for so many marks ...
C'mon......... If it can be done, leave the man alone....
I too was bothered by this several times. [edit:] Especially the tools->netwatch, wich in CLI is hard to see, or to see all information provided by winbox.
Centering menus on screen instead from menu option down, would be good, and a scroll bar, when it's needed, yes indeed. Centering menus on screen should be only a few lines of code.
Put it as "optional" not bug... it still works !

Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:52 pm
by omidkosari
why do you need so many marks if you can just specify your network as target? currently I don't see any reason for so many marks ...

you are right . it did not work in 2.9 and i did not test it in 3.x . it is much simpler now . thanks
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:28 am
by ilius168
i have two words for you.. Asus eeePC
don't mind me asking, which type of eeepc you are using? Thinking of getting one for myself, maybe the 4G series, but worried that it doesn't take windows xp on the little space (4GB).

Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:35 am
by normis
i found an "optimized" windows installation - 100Mb

Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 2:38 pm
by ilius168
what kind of 'optimised' windows is that? 100MB installed??
where do i get it?
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 2:41 pm
by normis
You will have to google for it. Yes, installed a little over 100Mb.
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 12:43 am
by GPCracker
Years have passed since this topic was opened, but problem is still not solved, at least WinBox 3.7, published on main site download page, has the same "size/scroll problem".
I have a notebook with screen resolution 1366x768. I open wireless interface settings on my router via WinBox, in Advanced mode, Wireless tab... And settings window just not fit the screen height!
The same problem is on Firewall rule Advanced tab - settings don't fit the screen too. And settings, that turned up below the bottom screen edge is inaccessible, because there is no way to move window up and see its bottom!
And what about people who have netbooks with less resolution?
Is it really so difficult to add a scroll bar to each content that does not fit its own window? It seems that even a newbie-programmer will handle such simple task! Years passed, problem is not solved yet. And only excuses like "use CLI" instead of a litle fix being done. Pretty nice work, I had to say!
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 1:46 am
by vahid023
please add scroll bar!!!
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 2:28 pm
by normis
600px vertically is quite a low resolution screen. I recommend Webfig for older devices.
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 2:56 pm
by sid5632
No matter what the resolution of your screen, there will always be a window somewhere that doesn't fit.
The firewall rules ones can be pretty bad, but the worst one that comes to mind is on the CRS - Switch, Ports, Port Isolation.
Saying use Webfig is not the answer - I can only get to mine via RoMON.
I've got 1920x1080 and struggle - this is NOT old hardware. It's your software that looks old.
Frankly, using fixed sized dialogs is just ridiculous. It's so last century.
You already have windows in Winbox which have scroll bars - just change those that look like dialogs to be the same.
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:05 pm
by dadoremix
Also search in winbox
I have saved lots of mikrotik
There is search option, but need better search, new selection etc
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 1:38 am
by vahid023
Please add Scroll bar.this is simple and no need that all users in the world change their laptop and PC monitor.
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 6:34 am
by eminkaplan
Yes, it must adding to winbox. This required function.
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 1:27 pm
by DerAlSem
Only registered to up this post. Scrolling is a must have. Same issue with FW rules, can't ajust TTL.
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 1:03 pm
by winagain
I second the addition of scroll bar, as on a resolution of 1366x768 the main Wireless/Wireless Tab is cut off just after default authenticate, making default forward un-selectable.
when a custom scan list is applied
Re: WINBOX GUI need a bit of touch up
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 11:03 pm
by emercs
add scrollbar, please !! I use a notebook with 1366x768, and too have a problem !