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Nstreme setup problems

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 9:57 am
by gio9779
I currently have to high sites that I need to connect with a pretty big and sold back bone.
So I thought since both end have RB600 I would put nstreme to work.

I started off by getting Wlan2 on router board 1 talking to Wlan2 on rb2 then I got wl3 on rb1 to talk to wl3 on rb2.
All taking no mess no fuss.

I then added the Nstreme interface on both routers, I then proceeded to turn each WLAN interface to enable nstreme.

I have assigned an ip to nstreme on rb1 and rb2.

however no joy, I just cant get nstreme to work, what could I be doing wrong??
I tried looking for step by step guides I even looked at my manual from my training but nothing really gives a clear outlook.
desperatly need some input.

Re: Nstreme setup problems

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 6:24 pm
by gio9779
Well I found the problem.
Thanks to those who sent suggetions.