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script to remove users

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 4:53 pm
by wissammohamed
Hi all,

i have these scripts

ppp secret disable farqad

ppp secret enable farqad

the script is to disable and enable user named farqad in specific time

the problem is how can i remove him from the active connection when the user disabled ???

please help me with that

thank you all

Re: script to remove users

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:54 am
by Giepie
You have to "kick" the active user.

Try this command:

/ppp active remove [find name="farqad"]

This will only work if the user is connected to the site where the script is run from.

You could use the :if command to first see if the user is actually online, but the above script should work fine.